Occupational Downgrading, Job Tasks, and the Return Intentions of the Ukrainian Refugees in Poland – journal publication for CESifo
Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, many of its citizens have found employment and settled in Poland, strengthening Polish labour market. Do they want to return to their homeland? What determines this? And what are the conclusions for social policy makers? Piotr Lewandowski explains those issues.
New scientific studies by IBS researchers as part of the WeLaR project
We present the findings of IBS researchers on changes in the labour market, which is strongly influenced by migration, the energy transition, the effects of the war in Ukraine and the COVID pandemic.
WeLaR Conference Call for Papers
The Horizon Europe project WeLaR will host a conference on the effects of global trends on European labour markets and welfare states on 12 June 2015.
Jobs and Development Conference 2024Two researchers represented IBSJobs and Development Conference 2024
Researchers from around the world presented a wide range of the latest research on labour economics, primarily focusing on addressing the challenge of creating improved job opportunities in developing countries.
ELMI Conference in Brussels
Piotr Lewandowski and Maciej Albinowski participated in the conference of the Network of European Labour Market Research Institutes (ELMI), which took place on October 1-2, 2024, in Brussels.
ABSL – IBS presents the results of a survey of business service centre employees
In June, Zuzanna Kowalik and Piotr Lewandowski took part in an event organized by the Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL). This
Labour demand and technology – WELAR project workshop in Warsaw
The one-day WELAR workshop brought together labour market economists from European universities and research institutes to discuss and reflect on ten papers on the impacts of AI, green transition and migration on labour demand.
Project SkiLMeeT launched!
In collaboration with partners from six countries, we will investigate factors influencing skills mismatches and shortages in the labour markets during the green and digital transition and potential solutions.
Untangled Final Conference
The conference took place in Leuven on 23 October 2023. Researchers originating from over 15 institutions presented the results of about 30 research papers. Zuzanna Kowalik and Karol Madoń represented IBS.
ELMI Christina Gathmann
The ELMI Conference
The Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) hosted the first ELMI conference in Belval, Luxembourg, on 30-31 October 2023.
Thematic Review 2023: Fair Transition Towards Climate Neutrality.
Thematic Review 2023: Fair Transition Towards Climate Neutrality.
The IBS team was responsible for preparing contributions to The European Commission's 2023 Thematic Review " Fair Transition Towards Climate Neutrality ". Our report concerned the situation in Poland.
The European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) Annual Conference
The Conference took place in Prague on 21-23 September 2023. Piotr Lewandowski and Marta Palczyńska represented IBS.
A book edited by Piotr Lewandowski
Tasks, Skills, and Institutions – just published book edited by Piotr Lewandowski available as open-access
Piotr Lewandowski is a co-editor of Tasks, Skills, and Institutions - The Changing Nature of Work and Inequality, a book in WIDER Studies in Development Economics published by Oxford University Press.
“Skill Changes and the Value of Skills” – Untangled project workshop in Warsaw
The one-day UNTANGLED workshop brought together labour market economists from European universities and research institutes to discuss and reflect on ten papers on the evolution of skills and the value of skills.
SOLE banner konferencji
IBS at SOLE 2023 – Annual Meeting of Society of Labor Economists
SOLE - Annual Meeting of the Society of Labor Economists is the most important labour economics conference of the year. Once again, the Institute for Structural Research were the only Polish institution to present its research at this event.
IBS founding member of new European scientific network ELMI
IBS is one of eleven European institutes for labour research that established the “Network of European Labour Market Research Institutes” (ELMI).
The first WeLaR webinar
We are going to discuss: European Welfare States in Crisis. Labour markets in flux.
INVITATION! Jobs & Development Conference again in the in-person formula in Cape Town!
The meeting of economists, policymakers and development experts will take place on December 14 & 15, 2022 in Cape Town and online!
Project WeLaR launched on 8th of November 2022 at the Conference in Brussels
The WeLaR Project aims examine how megatrends affect labour markets and the welfare state.
UNTANGLED Midterm Conference
The Conference, titled “Labour market effects and social impact of technological transformation, globalisation and demographic change”, took place on 9 November in Brussels, attracting 16 papers and 45 participants.
EALE Conference at the University of Padua
The European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) Annual Conference has returned to the in-person format with an exciting conference in Padova on 8-10 September 2022. Piotr Lewandowski and Iga Magda represented the IBS.
IBS researchers present their findings in the framework of UNTANGLED project at the TASKS VI Conference
Piotr Lewandowski and Maciej Albinowski presented the results of two studies at the “TASKS VI” conference hosted by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg
IBS on SOLE – Annual Meeting of Society of Labor Economists
Piotr Lewandowski presented the results of the study on working from home at the conference.
Presentation of IBS findings at Untangled workshops
On the 25 of March 2022, a workshop summarizing the first year of the UNTANGLED project took place in Vienna. We presented the results of three studies on the impact of technology on the labour market and income inequality in Europe
SOLE 2021
Our research at the 26th Annual Conference of the Society of Labour Economists – May 14-15th, 2021
‘Perspectives on Energy Poverty in Post-Communist Europe’ with a chapter authored by IBS experts
The co-authors of a chapter that focuses on Poland are Jakub Sokołowski and Piotr Lewandowski.
Policies to Ensure Access to Affordable Housing – report
In many developed countries, housing affordability has become a focal point of discussions about housing policy as rental costs/house prices have increased relative to household incomes and the affordability situation and housing conditions have deteriorated.
Green growth opportunities for the decarbonization goal for Chile – report available!
The Institute for Structural Research (IBS) cooperated with the Ministry of Finance in Chile and the World Bank to conduct an economic analysis of the costs of Chile’s new ambitious climate change mitigation plan which would ensure carbon neutrality of the country in 2050.
Explaining international differences in the nature of work
Materials from IEAMS HKUST seminar, during which Piotr Lewandowski and Albert Park presented their new paper – Hong Kong, 25.04.
New dimensions of inequalities
Materials from the 2019 IBS and the World Bank Conference: Globalization, work, and distributional tensions in Europe and Central Asia (Warsaw, January 16-17).
IBS & The World Bank Conference
We invite you to our conference on globalization, work, and distributional tensions in Europe and Central Asia – Warsaw, January 16-17. Registration is now open!
IBS research at COP24
We presented our research at COP24 in Katowice on the Polish coal industry, low-emissions transformation pathways, and energy poverty.
Call for papers
We welcome the submission of papers to the conference organised by the IBS and the World Bank – Warsaw, 16-17 of January. Deadline for submission – November 18.
EALE 2018
Our research at the 30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists in Lyon (France) – 13-15.09.
Job retention among older workers
IBS Working Paper has been published in the Baltic Journal of Economics.
Just transition in coal sector is feasible
The summary report of the Coal Transitions project – analysis for China, India, South Africa, Australia, Germany and Poland.
The World Labor Conference 2018
IBS research was presented at the IZA World Labor Conference in Berlin.
How does technology change the nature of work?
The materials from the seminar organised by WB, MPiT & IBS (Warsaw, June 25).
The Polish launch of the World Bank report Growing United: Upgrading Europe’s Convergence Machine
Join the discussion about the technological change and labour markets in Europe – June 25th, Warsaw.
2018 Jobs and Development Conference
On May 11-12 in Bogotá (Colombia) will host an international conference whose aim is to foster multi-disciplinary solutions to jobs challenges. We encourage you to participate online.
New project about labour market in Poland
Together with the University of Lodz and the Institute of Labour and Social Studies we will create a forecasting tool for the Polish labour market.
Buildings thermal retrofit and labour demand
Piotr Lewandowski, Katarzyna Sałach and Konstancja Ziółkowska estimated the labour demand required to meet the targets of anti-smog resolutions in two Polish voivodships (śląskie and małopolskie).
Social protection for workers with civil law contracts
Main findings from the European Commission case study for Poland written by Piotr Lewandowski & IBS team.
The labour market in Poland, 2000−2016
New IZA World of Labor on recent labour market developments in Poland, by Piotr Lewandowski and Iga Magda.
ASSA 2018 Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting co-organised by the American Economic Association was held on January 5-7 in Philadelphia. IBS results was presented by Piotr Lewandowski.
Public policy against energy poverty in Poland. Possible interventions and their social impact
On January 30, we will organise a seminar on energy poverty and buildings’ retrofit in Poland. Together with experts we will discuss how to increase energy efficiency in the context of improving air quality in Poland.
2017 Jobs Conference – materials
On December 6-7 we organised the international conference about labour market. The summary and presentations from the event are available on our website.
1st IZA/World Bank/NJD Conference on Jobs and Development – call for papers
On May 11-12, 2018, IBS will co-organise the Jobs and Development conference in Bogotá, Colombia. We kindly invite you to submit your papers with the deadline of January 15.
Culture in numbers
How many people work in cultural sector? What is the value added of the sector? We publish our report on the economic importance of the cultural sector in Poland.
(Un)equal wages, incomes and wealth in Poland?
The presentations and summary of the IBS seminar about economic inequality in Poland (Oct 23, Warsaw).
Risks of low-carbon transition in Poland – materials
We present the short summary of the seminar organised by our Institute on October 12.
2-days IBS debate
We kindly invite you for 2 international seminars about the economic inequalities in Poland and the impact of “Family 500+” benefit on the labour market – October 23-24, 2017, Warsaw.
Energy poverty, energy efficiency and air pollution in Poland
In September experts from our Institute took part in several discussions about eliminating the energy poverty phenomenon, improving the energy efficiency and air quality of in Poland.
29th EALE Conference
At the annual conference of the European Association of Labour Economists we presented the research about the intergenerational divide in the deroutinisation of jobs in Europe.
Migration and mobility in the Europe and Central Asia Region
On October 19 in Warsaw will be presented the latest World Bank report about the economic situation in the ECA region.
Risks of low-carbon transition in Poland
On October 12 in Warsaw we will organise an international seminar on risks associated with different transition pathways in Polish energy sector.
Materials from WIEM 2017
Our presentations from Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM) 2017 are now available.
Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2017
At WIEM 2017, eight economists from the IBS will present research on the labour market, unauthorised sources of cultural goods, fuel poverty, RES and green innovation.
2nd “Coal Transition” Project Meeting and Stakeholder Workshop
A stakeholder workshop organised by Climate Strategies and IDDRI was held in London on the 26th and 27th of June 2017.
A socially fair energy transition
Piotr Lewandowski spoke about the social challenges of energy transitions at the Eionet meeting in the European Environment Agency (EEA) in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Temporary employment, unemployment and employment protection legislation in Poland
A new book on employment protection regulation and labour market segmentation published by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) features a chapter on Poland written by Piotr Lewandowski and Iga Magda.
Job polarization can create serious problems for emerging economies
On the changing nature of jobs in Central and Eastern European countries; Piotr Lewandowski for IZA World of Labor.
5th European User Conference for EU-Microdata
On the 2nd and 3rd of March 2017 the IBS team took part in the 5th European User Conference for EU-Microdata, organised by the German Microdata Lab, GESIS and cooperated with Eurostat.
“Population ageing, labour market and public finance in Poland”
The European Commission Representation in Poland and IBS (as a partner) are pleased to invite you for the conference about ageing – March 9, 2017.
How to engage stakeholders in the modelling of the low-carbon transition?
IBS and its partners in the TRANSrisk project consortium examine how pathways towards a low-emission future can be achieved within the domestic context of countries.
If half of inactive Poles would start doing physical exercise…
What is the level of physical activity among Poles? What are the social benefits coming from investment in sports? We present the results of our study conducted for the Polish Ministry of Sport and Tourism.
Transition to low-carbon economy
What are the risks associated with a low-carbon transition? First results of the country case studies within the TRANSrisk project – report for thr European Commission.
Jobs and Development Conference. November 2-3, 2016, Washington D.C.
The Network on Jobs and Development and the World Bank Jobs Group held a two-day conference to discuss the latest policy-relevant research to foster the creation of multi-sector, multi-disciplinary solutions to jobs challenges around the world.
IBS research to be presented at a seminar in Hong Kong
Piotr Lewandowski will present the results of research on routinisation of labour markets in Central and Eastern European countries at a seminar organised by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Institute for Emerging Market Studies.
Gender Inequality in the Eastern European Labour Market. Twenty-five years of transition since the fall of communism
A new Routledge publication presents a comprehensive overview of gender inequalities on labour markets since the fall of communism in a wide range of Eastern European countries.
Long-term unemployment after the Great Recession: Causes and remedies
The most recent VoxEU eBook on long-term unemployment in Europe by Samuel Bentolila and Marcel Jansen has been just released. Polish economists from IBS Iga Magda and Piotr Lewandowski have contributed to this eBook with the chapter describing long-term unemployment in Poland. The eBook can be found at:
European Forum for New Ideas
Keynote speakers included Guy Standing from University of London and Martin Ford, the futurist, author of the bestselling book Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future.
28th EALE Conference
As many as six researchers will present results of the studies carried out at IBS during the 28. annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists to be held 15-17 September, 2016 in Gent, Belgium.
Fourth International BIBB/IAB/ZEW Conference TASKS IV took place at ZEW headquarters in Mannheim, Germany, on September 8-9.
DPRU Google Hangout on Labour Regulations and Enforcement; August 22, 14 CET / SAST
Increasingly, developing countries around the world have been expanding labour regulations that aim to protect workers from exploitation. However, a substantial gap remains between regulatory intent and regulatory outcomes.
Piotr Lewandowski joins IZA Research Fellows
In July 2016, Piotr Lewandowski the President of the Structural Research Institute joined IZA Research Fellows (Institute for the Study of Labor / Forschungsinstitut Für Zukunft der Arbeit, Bonn, Germany).
Precarious employment in Europe – patterns, trends and policy strategies
Institute for Structural Research contributed to the report on precarious employment and its various forms in Europe which was prepared at request of the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.
Jobs and Development conference
On November 2-3, IBS will co-host the Jobs and Development conference in Washington D.C. We kindly invite you to submit your papers, with the deadline of August 28.
Shaping the new world of work. The impacts of digitalisation and robotisation
The impact of digital technologies on the quantity and quality of jobs, wages and workplace relations was the topic of the ETUC/ETUI conference which took place on 27-29 June 2016 in Brussels.
IBS Team at the NTA 11 workshop and symposium in Senegal
Piotr Lewandowski, Wojciech Hardy and Maciej Lis participated in the National Transfer Account (NTA) workshop in Saly, Senegal that took place from June 21 to June 24.
World Bank learning event – Minimum Wage Policies, Interventions and Impacts
You can find all presentations and video recordings of the workshop on our website.
Retention of older female workers essential for countering ageing
Wojciech Hardy on World Bank blog about the recent IBS research on job retention of workers nearing retirement.
OECD Economic Survey of Poland 2016
On March 23, there was held a seminar on newly-published OECD Economic Survey 2016 for Poland. The seminar was organized by the OECD together with our Institute. We invite you to read the presentation materials.
Everyone needs tech skills, not just youth
In a new World Bank blog post, Piotr Lewandowski (IBS), Radhicka Kapoor (ICRIER) and Siddhartha Raja (WB) explain who benefits and who suffers from technological change in the labour market.
Minimum wage in Poland needs change, not a revolution
The government of Poland is right to try to increase minimum wage coverage of workers, but its proposal how to do it has several drawbacks which can hurt jobs.
Urbanization, Structural Change, and Employment
Conference on urbanization, structural change, and employment took place in Hong Kong on December 11-13 as a part of the Network on Jobs and Development activities.
International Conference on Jobs for Development: Creating Jobs in South Asia
Conference on jobs and development took place on December 3-4 in New Delhi with a focus on labour regulations, informality, demography and job creation in South Asia.
Labour Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa
A workshop on matters such as urbanisation and labour regulations, in the particular context of labour markets in SubSaharan Africa, took place in Cape Town.
IBS & “Przemiany” Festival 2015, The designers of Antropocene
The 2015 edition of the „Przemiany” Festival, organized by Copernicus Science Centre, invited scientists, artists and everyone interested in the future of Earth to design a new epoch: Antropocen.
Minimum wage in Poland – should it be increased or subject to lower taxation
Lack of coordination of minimum wage and taxation hinders inclusive employment growth in Poland
Reforming Employment Protection Legislation
IBS contributed to European Employment Policy Observatory (EEPO) thematic seminar “Reforming Employment Protection Legislation” in Brussels on June 16, 2015.
Educational boom in Poland
Educational boom in Poland increased the share of working-age people with tertiary degree from 12% in 2001 to 26% in 2013.
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