Paths2Include project – next steps
We were in Girona on November 23rd and 24th at the meeting of the international research project Paths2Include. The project aims to investigate various aspects of discrimination in the labour market and develop recommendations to increase employment opportunities for people in vulnerable situations.
The Paths2Include project has started!
In cooperation with partners from 8 countries, we will investigate how to support people discriminated against based on gender, ethnic origin, age, health, or sexual orientation.
Working time flexibility, personality traits and gender pay gap – summing up the project with the National Science Centre
Why are women paid less than men, even if they work in the same place, in the same occupation, and have equal educational attainment? What are the gender norms that define our professional life decisions? These are the issues we have focused on for the last four years.
EALE Conference at the University of Padua
The European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) Annual Conference has returned to the in-person format with an exciting conference in Padova on 8-10 September 2022. Piotr Lewandowski and Iga Magda represented the IBS.
Iga Magda at the Population Association of America conference
2022 Annual Meeting, April 6-9, 2022, Atlanta, Georgia USA & online
“Youth emplyoment partnerSHIP” has been launched!
We launched our new project during a special session of the 2019 IBS and the World Bank Conference – Warsaw, January 16.
“Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” launch event
We kindly invite you to the launch event for our new international project „Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” – Warsaw, January 16.
IBS & The World Bank Conference
We invite you to our conference on globalization, work, and distributional tensions in Europe and Central Asia – Warsaw, January 16-17. Registration is now open!
Congratulations :)
Iga Magda received her habilitation degree from the Collegium of Economic Analysis at the Warsaw School of Economics.
Call for papers
We welcome the submission of papers to the conference organised by the IBS and the World Bank – Warsaw, 16-17 of January. Deadline for submission – November 18.
10 years after the financial crisis – labour market adjustment in emerging and post-transition economies
At a workshop organized by IZA and Higher School of Economics in Moscow (11-12.10.), Iga Magda talked about wage inequality in Central and Eastern Europe.
EALE 2018
Our research at the 30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists in Lyon (France) – 13-15.09.
Job retention among older workers
IBS Working Paper has been published in the Baltic Journal of Economics.
The World Labor Conference 2018
IBS research was presented at the IZA World Labor Conference in Berlin.
Working parents are more likely to invest time into children
Iga Magda and Roma Keister presented IBS research at the European Population Conference – EPC 2018 (Brussels, June 6-9).
Faces of joblessness – understanding barriers to higher employment and activity
We kindly invite you for the seminar organised by our Institute and the European Commission Representation in Poland – June 18th.
2018 Jobs and Development Conference
On May 11-12 in Bogotá (Colombia) will host an international conference whose aim is to foster multi-disciplinary solutions to jobs challenges. We encourage you to participate online.
New project about labour market in Poland
Together with the University of Lodz and the Institute of Labour and Social Studies we will create a forecasting tool for the Polish labour market.
Iga Magda joined IZA Research Fellows. Congratulations!
In March 2018 Iga Magda, vice president of IBS, joined IZA as a Research Fellow.
Videos from the IBS seminars
Is high inequality an issue in Poland? What is the labour market impact of the 500+ child benefit?
The labour market in Poland, 2000−2016
New IZA World of Labor on recent labour market developments in Poland, by Piotr Lewandowski and Iga Magda.
Life-course developments and pensions
Researchers from SGH Warsaw School of Economics analysed 4 European countries in new IZA Discussion Paper. Among authors – our Iga Magda.
2017 Jobs Conference – materials
On December 6-7 we organised the international conference about labour market. The summary and presentations from the event are available on our website.
Usage of administrative data for the purposes of research and policy analysis
The policy brief about using administrative data in the CEE and the summary of the experts meeting which we organised on November 30 in Warsaw.
“Family 500+” benefit and women on the labour market – materials
The materials from the international IBS seminar on the female labour force participation in Poland and the impact of the “Family 500+” programme on the labour supply of women (Oct 24, Warsaw).
2-days IBS debate
We kindly invite you for 2 international seminars about the economic inequalities in Poland and the impact of “Family 500+” benefit on the labour market – October 23-24, 2017, Warsaw.
Administrative data for the purposes of research and policy analysis
On September 21-22, 2017, the seminar “Access to anonymised administrative data for the purposes of research and policy analysis” was held in Budapest.
Materials from WIEM 2017
Our presentations from Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM) 2017 are now available.
Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2017
At WIEM 2017, eight economists from the IBS will present research on the labour market, unauthorised sources of cultural goods, fuel poverty, RES and green innovation.
Evaluation of the support offered to young people in the labour market
Second Report of Outcome Indicators Measurement prepared as part of the project “Evaluation of support provided for young people under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development (OP KED)”.
The role of trade unions in Central and Eastern Europe
Although trade unions weakened substantially in CEE countries during the 1990s, there have been some signs of their revival since the 2000s - Iga Magda for IZA World of Labor.
Temporary employment, unemployment and employment protection legislation in Poland
A new book on employment protection regulation and labour market segmentation published by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) features a chapter on Poland written by Piotr Lewandowski and Iga Magda.
Time – the investment in children
Iga Magda and Roma Keister presented their research on the investment in children at the Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting.
5th European User Conference for EU-Microdata
On the 2nd and 3rd of March 2017 the IBS team took part in the 5th European User Conference for EU-Microdata, organised by the German Microdata Lab, GESIS and cooperated with Eurostat.
Poland risks getting old before getting rich
The materials from the conference „Population ageing, labour market and public finance in Poland” (9th of March, Warsaw) are now available.
“Population ageing, labour market and public finance in Poland”
The European Commission Representation in Poland and IBS (as a partner) are pleased to invite you for the conference about ageing – March 9, 2017.
If half of inactive Poles would start doing physical exercise…
What is the level of physical activity among Poles? What are the social benefits coming from investment in sports? We present the results of our study conducted for the Polish Ministry of Sport and Tourism.
Jobs and Development Conference. November 2-3, 2016, Washington D.C.
The Network on Jobs and Development and the World Bank Jobs Group held a two-day conference to discuss the latest policy-relevant research to foster the creation of multi-sector, multi-disciplinary solutions to jobs challenges around the world.
Gender Inequality in the Eastern European Labour Market. Twenty-five years of transition since the fall of communism
A new Routledge publication presents a comprehensive overview of gender inequalities on labour markets since the fall of communism in a wide range of Eastern European countries.
Long-term unemployment after the Great Recession: Causes and remedies
The most recent VoxEU eBook on long-term unemployment in Europe by Samuel Bentolila and Marcel Jansen has been just released. Polish economists from IBS Iga Magda and Piotr Lewandowski have contributed to this eBook with the chapter describing long-term unemployment in Poland. The eBook can be found at:
Fuel poverty in Poland – from theory to practice
Like in the previous year, Institute for Structural Research organizes the seminar on fuel poverty*. We will present our recent findings on the topic. This year, our research focused on defining types of households at risk of fuel poverty, analysing its regional variation and proposing policies to eradicate the problem.
COMPIE 2016 – Counterfactual Methods for Policy Impact Evaluation
In Milan, October 20-21, 2016, there was held COMPIE 2016 conference dedicated to the use of counterfactual methods to evaluate public policies.
28th EALE Conference
As many as six researchers will present results of the studies carried out at IBS during the 28. annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists to be held 15-17 September, 2016 in Gent, Belgium.
Precarious employment in Europe – patterns, trends and policy strategies
Institute for Structural Research contributed to the report on precarious employment and its various forms in Europe which was prepared at request of the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.
WIEM 2016 Conference
The Warsaw International Economic Meeting, organised by the University of Warsaw Faculty of Economic Sciences and CenEA (cooperating partner) will take place from June 28 to 30.
Retention of older female workers essential for countering ageing
Wojciech Hardy on World Bank blog about the recent IBS research on job retention of workers nearing retirement.
Population Association of America – Iga Magda presented there her joint work with Michał Brzeziński on inequality of opportunity.
Population Association of America (PAA) Annual 2016 conference took place in Washington, DC (USA) on March 31st – April 2nd.
Government “Family 500 Plus” Programme – IBS opinion
The state should support the families’ struggles with the costs of childrearing, but the 500 Plus programme is not an example of effective policy in this regard.
Less is more for unions in Central and Eastern Europe
In majority of CEE countries, trade union membership declined sharply after the economic transition.
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