Institute for Structural Research at the 2024 European Housing Forum
The 2024 Housing Forum, held on April 16th and 17th, was a collaborative effort between Habitat for Humanity Poland, Europe Housing Forum, and Habitat for Humanity International, focusing on "Decent and Affordable Housing Without Borders".
Workshop meeting of the ENBLOC project in Prague
On 16-17 January, teams from IBS and the Czech Technical University in Prague met for the second time to cooperate in the ENBLOC project on the energy transition of housing cooperatives in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Thematic Review 2023: Fair Transition Towards Climate Neutrality.
Thematic Review 2023: Fair Transition Towards Climate Neutrality.
The IBS team was responsible for preparing contributions to The European Commission's 2023 Thematic Review " Fair Transition Towards Climate Neutrality ". Our report concerned the situation in Poland.
International Annual Conference on Energy Poverty (EPAH) in Warsaw
On 19-20 September 2023, the International Conference on Energy Poverty took place at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. Jakub Sokołowski, Jan Frankowski, Joanna Mazurkiewicz, and Aleksandra Prusak represented IBS at the Conference.
Joanna Mazurkiewicz at Freedom Games 2023
Joanna Mazurkiewicz participated in the panel discussion 'A Just Green Transformation? Is It Possible?' organised during the 10th edition of the Freedom Games.
CARE Project kick-off meeting.
Out of over 30 applications, six cities were awarded grants by the ICA Fund: Bogota, Dar es Salaam, Los Angeles, Quezon City, Vancouver, and Warsaw, representing the only European city to receive the grant.
TIPPING+ Final Conference in Brussels
On June 14-15, 2023, the final conference of the TIPPING+ project took place in Brussels, attended by researchers from the IBS.
New Year’s climate research and policy workshop, i.e. IBS on energy transformation
During the New Year's workshop, the researchers of IBS presented the latest research findings on energy transformation to chosen stakeholders responsible for fostering and conducting climate policy in Poland.
Project workshop TIPPING+ in Paris
1-2 December 2022, Joanna Mazurkiewicz, Jan Frankowski, Jakub Sokołowski and Baiba Witajewska-Baltvilka participated in a TIPPING+ project workshop hosted by the Paris School of Economics.
Joanna Mazurkiewicz at the 7th International Congress of Value Economics, Open Eyes Economy Summit
The particularly difficult situation of families in the face of the current crisis was the main issue raised in Joanna Mazurkiewicz's speech during the meeting in Krakow.
IBS on just transition conference in Katowice
28-29 October 2022, Joanna Mazurkiewicz, Jakub Sokołowski and Jan Frankowski presented IBS research results at the conference „From the Grassroots to Policy and Back: Putting Just Transition to Practice” in Katowice.
Just Transition in Upper Silesia – WWF report available!
'Guidelines for the Upper Silesian Territorial Just Transition Plan' is the newest research report prepared for WWF by IBS experts.
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