archive project

( 48 - Publication )
2018-11-20 Youth employment partnerSHIP – evaluation studies in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland
Project website: How effectively are young people supported on the labour market? Project “Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” aims to answer this question by evaluating employment initiatives targeting youth in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland. The European Youth Guarantee (EYG) was introduced in 2013 to combat youth unemployment. Five years in, policies resulting from EYG still lack comprehensive evaluations in…
2018-08-14 Working time flexibility, personality traits and gender pay gaps
The result of our project will be a multifaceted study of the sources of wage inequalities between women and men. Understanding the linkage between gender wage gap and workplace flexibility is of paramount importance, considering ongoing discussions about the labour market flexibility and the consequences of the increasing popularity of non-standard (flexible) employment. Moreover, investigating…
2018-05-07 Transformation of the Konińskie lignite subregion
The aim of the project is to prepare a socio-economic and technological transition strategy for Konińskie subregion. Based on the concept of a just transition strategy we would like to propose the solutions for the local communities in which jobs and wellbeing are endangered by fast changes in lignite mining and lignite based energy. The…
2018-02-02 System for forecasting the Polish labour market
The aim of the project is to develop a novel forecasting method for main labour market variables for Poland. The main challenge to overcome is to distinguish between labour market demand and supply and to calculate the resulting gap. Furthermore, it is expected that these forecasts be at a high level of disaggregation (spatial, by…
2018-02-01 Parental socio-economic status and their time investments into children
The time parents spend with their children, especially “quality time” spent on educational activities or play, rather than caring duties, significantly affects children’s’ skill formation and their future life outcomes, educational attainment,  employment opportunities and incomes. Thus, differences in the amount of parenting children receive are one of the factors shaping future inequalities. In this…
2017-11-20 There but not back again? Switching between the authorised and unauthorised sources of cultural goods
The aim of the project is to analyse the process of switching between authorised and unauthorised sources of cultural goods. We will analyse whether a one-time incentive to acquire content from an authorised or unauthorised source may permanently change the consumer’s preferences due to e.g. a one-time-only cost of the switch. We will also learn…
2017-11-15 The effect of climate policies on labour market
The reduction of CO2 emissions and a transition to an energy-efficient economy has become a priority in many developed countries. When discussing climate policies, a key issue is whether such policies will lead to stagnation or to the creation of green jobs and growth. Many economies have already been plagued by the so-called jobless growth…
2017-11-01 Modelling pensions
Most macroeconomic models of pension systems assume people have perfect foresight and are rational. In these models, a correct response to longevity and some of the pension system reforms is to increase private voluntary savings and labor supply. However, real world data suggest that such response, if occurs at all, is relatively weak. It follows…
2017-10-25 TRANSrisk – Transitions pathways and risk analysis for climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies
TRANSrisk is a research project financed by EU Horizon 2020 program. As part of TRANSrisk IBS is collaborating with several acclaimed european research institutes, including University of Sussex, Cambridge Econometrics, University of Graz and National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). The objective of the project is to understand the risks, uncertainties and co-effects related to…
2017-10-15 Evaluation of support provided for young people under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development
The aim of the project is to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of support for young people implemented under I Priority Axis of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development (KED). The project will base on quantitative surveys of support participants and qualitative interviews’ of support coordinators. The data will be used to calculate the efficiency…
2017-10-05 Gender wage differences: a cohort analysis
The objective is to analyze the determinants of wage disparities between men and women in different age groups and from the firm-level perspective. We will investigate whether the determinants of wage gaps vary among women and men of different ages and whether this relationship is different for a better / worse earners . We also…
2017-10-01 Coal Transitions: Research and Dialogue on the Future of Coal
The Paris agreement achieved at the COP Summit in 2015 made clear that further CO2 reductions at the global level will be required. In countries whose economies are based on coal this major step raises questions about the future. How will it affect coal production and consumption and what could be the social and economic…
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