realization time: 02.2011-01.2015

NEUJOBS was a research project financed by the European Commission, under the 7th Framework Programme. The objective was to analyse future possible developments of the European labour market(s) under the main assumption that European societies are now facing or preparing to face four main transitions that will have a major impact on employment, in particular for some groups in the labour force or sectors of the economy.

The Institute for Structural Research was Polish partner participating in the international research project NEUJOBS.


2017-03-31 Productivity based selection to retirement: Evidence from EU-SILC
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The age-productivity and age-employment profiles in each of the 28 European countries are investigated jointly using the harmonized survey of income and living conditions (EU-SILC). Based on the employment rates and the age of leaving the labour market, we propose four clusters of countries: with ...
2014-08-04 Does flexible employment pay? European evidence on the wage perspectives of female workers
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The aim of this paper is to explore three issues relating to the financial dimension of female labour market outcomes. Firstly we analyze the gender pay differentials, adding to the existing literature an age - and distribution specific gender pay gaps. Next, we investigate the ...
2014-01-08 Women as a potential of the European labour force
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The aim of this paper is to investigate the problems and the best solutions to the challenge of increasing women's participation on the European labour market, to alleviate the consequences of the demographic changes and maintain the European welfare state. We intentionally focus on women's ...
2013-09-26 Does gender matter for lifelong learning activity?
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Development and maintaining skills in a life course through various lifelong learning activities is crucial to sustain employability, particularly in the context of longer working lives and more competitive economic environment. In the paper we investigate the determinants and obstacles in lifelong learning from a ...
2013-09-24 Female transition to retirement
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The European countries’ policies related to female participation in the labour market as well as approach to retirement ages have evolved in the course of the past two decades. This is the response to demographic, social and economic developments in Europe. After many decades of ...
2013-09-23 Gender dimension of the labour markets over the past two decades
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Position of females on the European labour market has improved strongly over the past two decades. Changes in women’s employment were not only positive, but also managed to alleviate the negative developments in male employment rates, becoming thus a major driving force behind the efforts ...
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