TIPPING+ – Enabling positive tipping points towards clean energy transitions in coal and carbon-intensive regions

realization time: 05.2020 - 10.2023

National and international climate mitigation policies often do not consider the objective conditions and challenges present at the regional level, resulting in misalignments between (inter) national climate policy goals and local priorities. This holds especially in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (CCIR) that depend economically on fossil fuels. Implementing mitigation actions and climate policies towards clean energy transition can be highly ineffective without a proper understanding of social, political and cultural perspectives.

The project aims to respond to 3 main questions:

  • Why do Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (CCIR) change their development trajectories and embrace low-carbon, clean-energy transformations?
  • What are the actual effects of such fundamental changes to the livelihoods and the sustainability of regional economies and socio-ecological systems?
  • How can knowledge from the recent past about processes leading to fundamental changes in these regions be used to identify the most effective tipping interventions to enact low-carbon, clean-energy transitions in other regions?

In the project, IBS will carry out the following:

  • Quantitative study on tipping points in populism and anti-democratic attitudes and its relations to energy transitions and clean energy scepticism
  • Structural analysis of labour market implications of coal transition on employment, including long-term unemployment, worker flows, and their distributional aspects.

TIPPING+ is a project conducted by a consortium of 18 institutions led by the Global Climate Forum.

Project’s website


Research Gate


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 under grant agreement No 884565.



  • GCF – Global Climate Forum
  • Aalborg Universitet
  • Delft University of Technology – TU Delft
  • Eco-union
  • Innolab Space
  • Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies
  • Institute for Structural Research
  • National School of Political Studies and Public Administration
  • Nordland Research Institute
  • Palacky University Olomouc
  • Paris School of Economics
  • su-re.co – Sustainability and Resilience
  • Università Degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza
  • University of Greenland
  • Universitaet Graz
  • University of Piraeus Research Center
  • Westport Consulting
Jan Frankowski at the Conference on Global Coal Transitions
On July 15-19, Jan Frankowski participated in the Global Coal Transitions Network Conference at Ohio State University.
Conference: „Energy Transition in the times of crisis”
Jan Frankowski, an expert in energy transition, recently participated in the "Energy Transition in Times of Crisis" conference held at Södertörn University in Stockholm.
Joanna Mazurkiewicz at Freedom Games 2023
Joanna Mazurkiewicz participated in the panel discussion 'A Just Green Transformation? Is It Possible?' organised during the 10th edition of the Freedom Games.
TIPPING+ Final Conference in Brussels
On June 14-15, 2023, the final conference of the TIPPING+ project took place in Brussels, attended by researchers from the IBS.
New Year’s climate research and policy workshop, i.e. IBS on energy transformation
During the New Year's workshop, the researchers of IBS presented the latest research findings on energy transformation to chosen stakeholders responsible for fostering and conducting climate policy in Poland.
Project workshop TIPPING+ in Paris
1-2 December 2022, Joanna Mazurkiewicz, Jan Frankowski, Jakub Sokołowski and Baiba Witajewska-Baltvilka participated in a TIPPING+ project workshop hosted by the Paris School of Economics.
IBS on just transition conference in Katowice
28-29 October 2022, Joanna Mazurkiewicz, Jakub Sokołowski and Jan Frankowski presented IBS research results at the conference „From the Grassroots to Policy and Back: Putting Just Transition to Practice” in Katowice.
Presentation of the first results of the TIPPING + project at the University of Exeter
The Conference „Tipping Points. From climate crisis to positive transformation” took place at the University of Exeter (12-14th September).
New project about clean-energy transitions: TIPPING+
In the new project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme we will analyse what makes clean-energy transitions in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions successful and effective. IBS will carry out an analysis of labour market implications of coal transition and a study on tipping points in the rise of populism.
2022-11-22 Mapping the indirect employment of hard coal mining: a case study of Upper Silesia, Poland
authors:    /   /   / 
It is insufficient to calculate the number of jobs in the mining industry to determine the labour market effects of a coal phase-out. This paper estimates the scale of mining-related and mining-dependent jobs in Europe’s largest hard coal mining region: Upper Silesia. In addition, we ...
2021-06-17 The coal phase-out and the labour market transition pathways: the case of Poland
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We study the labour market transition pathways driven by the coal phase-out in Poland between 1990 and 2050. First, we apply the concept of branching points to describe the transformation of coal mining in the context of three labour market trends: structural changes, demographically driven ...
persons from IBS
Jakub Sokołowski
see more
Joanna Mazurkiewicz
see more
Piotr Lewandowski
president of the board
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Iga Magda
vice president of the board
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Katarzyna Olszewska-Kowalewska
Communication Manager
see more
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