
( 16 - Publication )
2022-05-09 The economic effects of stopping Russian energy import in Poland.
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We estimate the macroeconomic and distributional effects that a ban on fuel imports from Russia would have in Poland. We simulate the embargo as a hike in oil, gas and coal prices, and evaluate the macroeconomic effects with a dynamic general equilibrium model. We soft-link ...
2020-01-13 Short- and long-run dynamics of energy demand
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The timing of the response of CO2 emissions to a carbon tax depends crucially on the timing of response of energy demand of changes in energy prices. In this paper, we investigate the path of changing energy demand from the moment of a change in ...
2016-05-20 Business cycles and on the job search
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We study steady state and business cycle properties of a model with heterogeneous firms and on-the-job search in the spirit of Moscarini and Postel-Vinay (2012). We extend the setup by including capital in the production function and show how this change influences model properties. The ...
2016-05-19 On the job search and working capital
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We study the steady-state effects of working capital channel on the distribution of wages and reallocation of workers across employers. We first show that in a simple Burdett-Mortensen on-the-job search model, working capital channel matter for wage offers distributions of firms and wage distribution of ...
2016-04-28 Age or time-to-death – what drives health care expenditures? Panel data evidence from the OECD countries
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The most important engines for the growth of aggregate health care expenditures (HCE) in last 50 years in OECD have been growth of income, technological progress in medicine and their interaction with institutional setting. The accelerating ageing is expected to additionally fuel the growth of ...
2016-02-28 Input vs. output taxation – a DSGE approach to modelling resource decoupling
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Environmental taxes are a crucial instrument aimed at reducing resource use through lower production losses, resource-leaner products and more resource-efficient production processes. In this paper we focus on material use and apply a multisector DSGE model to study two types of taxation: tax on material ...
2015-08-29 Red Herring in the Vistula River: Time-to-Death and Health Care Expenditure
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The aim of the article is to quantify the role of time-to-death in shaping health care costs. By combining a detailed break-down of population-wide data on publicly financed health care expenditure with the population and mortality data we are able to estimate a flexible model ...
2015-01-29 What Drives the Increase in Health Care Costs with Age?
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The aim of the article is to show the role of the drivers of health care costs increases with age. An innovative decomposition strategy has been proposed and applied to the population-wide data on health care expenditure in Poland. We have found that the health ...
2014-05-16 What if you were German? – DSGE approach to the Great Recession on labour markets
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In this paper we utilize an open economy DSGE model to analyse factors behind the Great Recession and its transmission into labour markets of selected Southern European countries. We introduce a number of shocks which form potential sources of macroeconomic disturbances, in particular: foreign demand, ...
2010-10-27 Large scale, multi-sector DSGE model as a climate policy assessment tool
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We assess the macroeconomic impact on Polish economy of the diversified package of about 120 different GHG mitigation levers, which were identified in the bottom-up sectoral analysis. For this purpose, we constructed a large scale, multi-sector dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model of Polish economy. ...
2010-06-22 A Note on Aggregation of Heterogeneous Expectations in a New Keynesian Economy
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This paper discusses conditions for aggregation of heterogeneous expectations in a new-keynesian economy. I show that aggregation result depends on the way agents form cross-expectations, i.e. expectations on other agents’ decision variables, and I determine a maximal class of cross-expectations operators that support aggregation. Interpretation ...
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