Sharing our knowledge is the most crucial goal of the Institute for Structural Research.

We want to communicate the results and findings of our studies to researchers in Poland and abroad, as well as to opinion-forming media, public policy decision-makers and any other person interested in reliable economic analyses. We are the publisher of the following paper series: IBS Working Paper, IBS Policy Paper, and Policy Brief and Research Report.

The types of publications mentioned above differ in the scope of the research presented and the purpose of publication. They also target other audiences.

Working Paper is a highly specialized and scientific article. It is addressed to scientific bodies and experts in the field. We put emphasis on methodological rigour. Usually, and with success, we submit the publications in this series to peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Policy Paper is a publication addressed to a broader audience, including decision-makers creating a specific section of economic and social policy, representatives of non-profit organizations, industry journalists and scientists. The methodological and scientific legitimacy of Policy Papers remains essential. Nevertheless, we also pay a lot of attention to the context, conclusions and recommendations for creating effective and friendly public policies. Policy Brief and Research Report are the shortest forms.

2009-05-31 Decomposing productivity growth in OECD countries: domestic R&D vs. international technology diffusion
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This paper decomposes productivity growth across highly developed OECD countries in the period 1972-2000 into components attributable to domestic R&D output, a catch-up effect, and international technology diffusion via imports of hi-tech products. Two alternative specifications of 'productivity growth' are considered: (i) increments of the ...
2009-03-23 Shocks and rigidities as determinants of the CEE labor markets’ performance. A panel SVECM approach
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We analyze with panel SVECM the impact of real wage, productivity, labor demand and supply shocks on the eight CEE economies during 1996-2007. We use a set of long-run restrictions, derived from the DSGE model with explicitly modeled labor market, to identify these structural shocks. ...
2008-12-16 Assessing Effects of Joining Common Currency Area with Large-Scale DSGE model: A Case of Poland
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In this paper we present a large scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, in order to analyze and simulate effects of Euro introduction in Poland. Presented framework is a based on a two-country open economy model, where foreign acts as the Eurozone, and home as ...
2008-11-14 Productivity Differences Across OECD Countries, 1970-2000 The World Technology Frontier Revisited
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We re-estimate the World Technology Frontier (WTF) non-parametrically, using the Data Envelopment Analysis method, with a dataset covering both OECD country-level and US state-level data on GDP per worker and the stocks of physical capital, unskilled labor and skilled labor. The WTF 2000 is found ...
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