Sharing our knowledge is the most crucial goal of the Institute for Structural Research.

We want to communicate the results and findings of our studies to researchers in Poland and abroad, as well as to opinion-forming media, public policy decision-makers and any other person interested in reliable economic analyses. We are the publisher of the following paper series: IBS Working Paper, IBS Policy Paper, and Policy Brief and Research Report.

The types of publications mentioned above differ in the scope of the research presented and the purpose of publication. They also target other audiences.

Working Paper is a highly specialized and scientific article. It is addressed to scientific bodies and experts in the field. We put emphasis on methodological rigour. Usually, and with success, we submit the publications in this series to peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Policy Paper is a publication addressed to a broader audience, including decision-makers creating a specific section of economic and social policy, representatives of non-profit organizations, industry journalists and scientists. The methodological and scientific legitimacy of Policy Papers remains essential. Nevertheless, we also pay a lot of attention to the context, conclusions and recommendations for creating effective and friendly public policies. Policy Brief and Research Report are the shortest forms.

2016-11-10 Fuel poverty alleviation in Poland: turning evidence into action
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Based on the evidence of the fuel poverty in Poland we describe the policy options for alleviation fuel poverty. The current policy instruments are inefficient, incoherent and focus only on the reduction of the severity of the problem. Going beyond the diagnosis we present the ...
2016-09-12 Heterogeneity of the fuel poor in Poland – quantification and policy implications
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The purpose of the paper is to quantify the heterogeneity of causes and symptoms of energy poverty in order to provide guidance for policies aimed at fuel poverty alleviation. We quantify the diversity of the households in Poland in terms of energy efficiency and income ...
2016-09-11 Location, location, location. What accounts for regional variation of fuel poverty in Poland?
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The aim of this paper is to explain the regional variation of fuel poverty in Poland. The significant spatial variation of fuel poverty stems from differences in the buildings’ characteristics, income and household composition as well as the diverse advancement of urbanisation processes. The variance ...
2016-06-20 A routine transition? Causes and consequences of the changing content of jobs in Central and Eastern Europe
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In this paper, we study the shift from manual to cognitive work in 10 economies of Central and Eastern Europe. We highlight the growth in the non-routine cognitive component of jobs, but pay particular attention to the increase in routine cognitive tasks, a trend that ...
2016-05-20 Business cycles and on the job search
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We study steady state and business cycle properties of a model with heterogeneous firms and on-the-job search in the spirit of Moscarini and Postel-Vinay (2012). We extend the setup by including capital in the production function and show how this change influences model properties. The ...
2016-05-19 On the job search and working capital
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We study the steady-state effects of working capital channel on the distribution of wages and reallocation of workers across employers. We first show that in a simple Burdett-Mortensen on-the-job search model, working capital channel matter for wage offers distributions of firms and wage distribution of ...
2016-05-17 The Impact of the Support Offered to Young People under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development. The First Thematic Study
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This report was published under the project “Evaluation of support provided for young people under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development (OP KED)” commissioned by the Polish Ministry of Investment and Economic Development, financed from the European Social Fund. The project is realised by the ...
2016-04-29 Inequality of opportunity in Central and Eastern Europe: accounting for changes over time
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We study changes in income inequality and inequality of opportunity (IO) in seven Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. Using EU SILC 2005 and 2011 data, we make a first attempt to apply inequality decompositions based on RIF regression to the problem of changes in ...
2016-04-28 Age or time-to-death – what drives health care expenditures? Panel data evidence from the OECD countries
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The most important engines for the growth of aggregate health care expenditures (HCE) in last 50 years in OECD have been growth of income, technological progress in medicine and their interaction with institutional setting. The accelerating ageing is expected to additionally fuel the growth of ...
2016-04-27 Minimum Wage Violation In Central And Eastern Europe
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Minimum wages continue to be at the centre of the policy debates in both developed and emerging economies. Such policies can only be effective if (1) the existing regulatory system does not have gaps that allow for the payment of wages below the minimum wage, ...
2016-04-04 Public finance in Poland – evolution, characteristics and perspectives
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The study is a description of public finance in Poland made by comparing the most important features of this sector in Poland and Central and Eastern European countries, European Union and OECD in the period 2004-2014. The following topics are discussed: scope of the public ...
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