Labour demand and technology – WELAR project workshop in Warsaw
The one-day WELAR workshop brought together labour market economists from European universities and research institutes to discuss and reflect on ten papers on the impacts of AI, green transition and migration on labour demand.
The European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) Annual Conference
The Conference took place in Prague on 21-23 September 2023. Piotr Lewandowski and Marta Palczyńska represented IBS.
Gender Gaps Conference 2023
The conference took place in Warsaw on 11-12 September 2023. Marta Palczyńska represented IBS.
IBS research at ESPE 2023 – the Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics
This year the ESPE conference was held in Belgrade in June. Marta Palczyńska from IBS presented the paper "The employment effects of a wage subsidy for the young during an economic recovery", co-authored by Astrid Kunze (NHH) and Iga Magda (IBS).
Marta Palczyńska at SEHO 2023 – the Annual Meeting of the Society of Economics of the Household
SEHO - the Society of Economics of the Household brings together scientists from around the world dealing with the subject of broadly understood economics of the household. The University of Copenhagen organised this year's meeting.
The results of a wage subsidy programme at the IZA workshop.
The IZA workshop "Inequality in Post-Transition and Emerging Economies" was organised by Hartmut Lehmann, Natalia Danzer, and Alexander Muravyev. Marta Placzyńska presented IBS's research findings.
Working time flexibility, personality traits and gender pay gap – summing up the project with the National Science Centre
Why are women paid less than men, even if they work in the same place, in the same occupation, and have equal educational attainment? What are the gender norms that define our professional life decisions? These are the issues we have focused on for the last four years.
WIEM 2019 conference
Marta Palczyńska and Adam Pigoń presented their research at the 2019 Warsaw International Economic Meeting - Warsaw, 2-4.07.
“Youth emplyoment partnerSHIP” has been launched!
We launched our new project during a special session of the 2019 IBS and the World Bank Conference – Warsaw, January 16.
“Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” launch event
We kindly invite you to the launch event for our new international project „Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” – Warsaw, January 16.
Conference WIEM 2018
IBS presentations at the Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2018 (June 3-5).
The World Labor Conference 2018
IBS research was presented at the IZA World Labor Conference in Berlin.
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