Labour demand and technology – WELAR project workshop in Warsaw
The one-day WELAR workshop brought together labour market economists from European universities and research institutes to discuss and reflect on ten papers on the impacts of AI, green transition and migration on labour demand.
42nd International Labour Process Conference
From April 2nd to 5th, Zuzanna Kowalik was an active participant in the International Labour Process Conference held in Göttingen, Germany.
Untangled Final Conference
The conference took place in Leuven on 23 October 2023. Researchers originating from over 15 institutions presented the results of about 30 research papers. Zuzanna Kowalik and Karol Madoń represented IBS.
IBS is a proud member of the Reshaping Work Dialogue
Reshaping Work, headquartered in Amsterdam, emerged in 2016 with a visionary mission to adjust and monitor work conditions to a fast changing environment.
Work2023 conference in Turku – Digital Capitalism: Peril and Possibilities
At the WORK2023 conference 'Digital Capitalism: Peril and Possibilities,' Zuzanna Kowalik from the Institute for Structural Research unveiled a study investigating job quality gaps between migrant and native platform workers in Poland.
IBS research at the conference The Right to (Digital) Platform Work in Belgrade
On June 20th and 21st, Zuzanna Kowalik participated in the Belgrade conference titled "The Right to (Digital) Platform Work." The COST Action Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab organised the event.
“Skill Changes and the Value of Skills” – Untangled project workshop in Warsaw
The one-day UNTANGLED workshop brought together labour market economists from European universities and research institutes to discuss and reflect on ten papers on the evolution of skills and the value of skills.
The first WeLaR webinar attracted more than 40 participants
Leuven, Belgium, 3 March 2023 – WeLaR’s first webinar, “European Welfare States in Crisis? Labour Markets in Flux?” aimed at introducing the project to its stakeholders.
The first WeLaR webinar
We are going to discuss: European Welfare States in Crisis. Labour markets in flux.
INVITATION! Jobs & Development Conference again in the in-person formula in Cape Town!
The meeting of economists, policymakers and development experts will take place on December 14 & 15, 2022 in Cape Town and online!
The PhD summer school of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Weizenbaum Institute
Zuzanna Kowalik joined the meeting organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society. It took place in September, in Berlin.
Policies to Ensure Access to Affordable Housing – report
In many developed countries, housing affordability has become a focal point of discussions about housing policy as rental costs/house prices have increased relative to household incomes and the affordability situation and housing conditions have deteriorated.
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