current project

( 28 - Publication )
2023-03-10 Energy poverty of women in Poland
The project aims to recognise Poland’s gendered energy poverty patterns. Energy poverty disproportionately affects women due to structural inequalities in their socioeconomic status and unequal access to energy resources and services. Taking these aspects into account will allow for a better understanding of the causes and severity of the problem. The results will enable more…
2023-03-07 Paths2Include – European Labour Markets under Pressure. New Knowledge on Pathways to Include Persons in Vulnerable Situations.
The Paths2Include project aims to understand the different forms of discrimination in European labour markets and to increase the employment opportunities of people from vulnerable groups at risk of exclusion from the labour market. As part of the project, we will analyse how interdependencies between various risk factors contribute to the vulnerability of particular groups…
2022-11-29 WeLaR – Welfare systems and labour market policies for economic and social resilience in Europe
WeLaR – Welfare systems and labour market policies for economic and social resilience in Europe – is a three – year research project funded by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme that aims to examine the impact of digitalisation, globalisation, climate change and demographic shifts on labour markets and welfare states in Europe. WeLaR will not…
2022-10-17 GeNLaMO – Gender norms and labour market outcomes.
The project aims to analyse the relationship between social gender norms and decisions about labour market participation and childcare. We will explore when social norms can be considered an essential factor in this regard and for whom. W will pay special attention to the household level to see whether male or female viewpoints on gender…
2022-09-07 ENBLOC – Enabling energy transition in postsocialist housing cooperatives
The project aims to assess the adaptive capacity of housing cooperatives in internalising energy transition based on the example of Poland and Czechia. In the project, we will: collect data on housing cooperatives in Poland and Czechia based on administrative registries, explore and assess housing cooperative strategies for dealing with energy transition and energy price…
2022-08-19 Minimum hours constraints and labour supply of older workers
The aim of the project is to understand the main reasons why firms require employees to work full-time and to quantify impact of this constraint on the total labour supply of older workers. Older workers have a relatively high preference for part-time employment. However, many of them are overemployed, that is, they work more hours…
2022-08-04 Mechanisms of supporting environmental fees in Poland
The aim of the project is to gain and organize all the knowledge about the mechanism of supporting environmental fees which is crucial in light of discussing various climate and energy policy options (carbon tax implementation, EU-ETS improvements) and ad hoc fiscal solutions due to the consequences of the pandemic crisis and Russian aggression on…
2021-12-15 Distributional Impact of Carbon Pricing in Central and Eastern Europe
The project aims to help shape the EU climate and energy policy regarding the effects of the increasing carbon costs on economically vulnerable groups.It focuses on four East-European EU member states (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Romania) – with higher-than-EU-average levels of fossil fuels dependence in their economic systems, and higher-than-EU-average energy poverty levels – while also…
2021-05-19 Untangled
Our goal in UNTANGLED is to examine the impact of globalisation, technological transformations and demographic change on labour markets in the European Union, and to recommend policies that will contribute to shared prosperity. These megatrends are accelerating and intertwine with each other in a series of dependencies affecting skills, inequality, labour mobility and migration. Ageing…
2021-05-17 Employment and wages in the public sector in Poland
The aim of the project is to review recent developments in public wage bill in Poland and to identify factors that may influence its changes in the future. In particular, we will analyse: wages adequacy in public administrationregional differences in wages in public administrationdemographic structure of employment in public administrationimpact of minimum wage changes on…
2020-05-01 TIPPING+ – Enabling positive tipping points towards clean energy transitions in coal and carbon-intensive regions
National and international climate mitigation policies often do not consider the objective conditions and challenges present at the regional level, resulting in misalignments between (inter) national climate policy goals and local priorities. This holds especially in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (CCIR) that depend economically on fossil fuels. Implementing mitigation actions and climate policies towards…
2020-02-06 Income effect and household decisions about labour supply: a quasi-experimental approach
The goal of the project is to provide new empirical results regarding the role of the income effect in making decisions about the labor supply. The introduction of a child benefit in Poland (Family 500+ program) makes it possible to identify the income effect due to the unique design of the program: unconditional allowance for…
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