current project

( 26 - Publication )
2024-10-03 Housing landscape in the context of repurposing empty spaces for vulnerable populations.
The project’s objective is to study the housing ecosystem in Poland, with a focus on mapping non-residential vacant properties within Polish local governments and adapting them to residential purposes. As part of the project, the IBS team will: prepare an outline of housing policies for selected local governments and attempt to estimate the number of vacant…
2024-04-08 SkiLMeeT – Skills for labour markets in the green and digital transition
The project “SkiLMeeT: Skills for labour markets in the green and digital transition” aims to: produce sound indicators that help better understand the extent of skills mismatches and shortages, provide novel insights on the effects of specific drivers that lead to skills mismatches and shortages, and present viable pathways for reducing skills shortages and mismatches.…
2024-02-28 Sun4All
The project’s main objective is to set the strategic ground for the performance of the commitment made by the City of Warsaw to support, develop, and replicate the results of the Sun4All project. Based on four pilot models of using solar energy to reduce electricity consumption, tested in four cities (Almada, Barcelona, Cœur de Savoie, Rome),…
2024-01-25 Fostering ambitious and effective NECPs in Central and Eastern Europe
The project “Fostering ambitious and effective NECPs in Central and Eastern Europe” aims to impact energy and climate policies in Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, and Romania. Its mission is to align these countries with the European Union’s ambitious path to climate neutrality by 2050, addressing key challenges such as energy poverty, energy and climate security, and…
2024-01-25 Gender norms and the perception of workers who use flexible work arrangements
This project aims to investigate whether workers who use flexible work arrangements are assessed negatively by their coworkers. Flexible work arrangements, which allow workers to decide where and when they work, are often presented as a solution that helps parents balance their professional careers and domestic duties. However, there is the other side of the…
2023-11-14 GDPoweR – Recovering workers’ data to negotiate and monitor collective agreements in the platform economy
The GDPoweR project aims to bolster industrial relations in the platform economy by analysing strategies used by platform workers, activists, trade unionists, and employer groups in negotiating pay and conditions. It introduces an innovative data collection method based on citizen science to audit personal data practices of platforms. The project evaluates challenges in implementing collective…
2023-08-03 CARE: Carbon-neutral and Affordable Retrofits for Everyone in Need
The project aims to develop sequences for renovating municipal buildings in Warsaw, balancing environmental, carbon-neutral and social goals. In the project, we will: organise knowledge about municipal buildings based on administrative data. develop criteria for just retrofitting municipal buildings. create an analytical tool for strategic documents and monitoring of urban investments. The project will include…
2023-03-27 The relationship between working time flexibility, division of labour in the household, and parental burnout
The project aims to explore if the links between paid and unpaid work are balanced in light of access to flexible working arrangements. We will also consider how flexibility arrangements impact well-being and parental satisfaction, with a particular interest in parental burnout. In the project, we will: differentiate between the real-life division of labour in…
2023-03-27 The impact of robots adoption on wage inequality in Europe
The project aims to answer two fundamental questions: how does the increase in robot exposure affect wage inequality, and does the effect of robot exposure differ between European countries? In recent years, we witnessed rapid progress in technology and an increase in automation in most sectors of the economy. Since the beginning of the 2000s…
2023-03-22 The relationship between working from home, job quality and psychological well-being
The project aims to explore the links between working from home, job quality and psychological well-being. It will apply a mixed-method approach to establish the quantitative effect based on data from the EU-27 countries and explore the specific mechanisms of the impact. In recent decades, job quality has become an increasingly important topic in economics.…
2023-03-10 Energy poverty of women in Poland
The project aims to recognise Poland’s gendered energy poverty patterns. Energy poverty disproportionately affects women due to structural inequalities in their socioeconomic status and unequal access to energy resources and services. Taking these aspects into account will allow for a better understanding of the causes and severity of the problem. The results will enable more…
2023-03-07 Paths2Include – European Labour Markets under Pressure. New Knowledge on Pathways to Include Persons in Vulnerable Situations.
The Paths2Include project aims to understand the different forms of discrimination in European labour markets and to increase the employment opportunities of people from vulnerable groups at risk of exclusion from the labour market. As part of the project, we will analyse how interdependencies between various risk factors contribute to the vulnerability of particular groups…
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