archive project

( 48 - Publication )
2015-01-01 NEUJOBS
NEUJOBS was a research project financed by the European Commission, under the 7th Framework Programme. The objective was to analyse future possible developments of the European labour market(s) under the main assumption that European societies are now facing or preparing to face four main transitions that will have a major impact on employment, in particular for some…
2015-01-01 Analysis of work benefits from the Employee Social Benefit Funds
The analysis focused on different types of non-wage social benefits given to employees and financed from companies’ Employee Social Benefit Funds. It provided an evaluation of their advantages compared to cash benefits. The study aimed at analysing the scope and the impact of non-wage social benefits on the social and economic aspects. The project was…
2014-10-28 Employment in Poland
The project financed by the Center of Human Resources Development – a government body which runs agency in European Social Fund. It was a periodical report on the labour market in Poland.   In all the reports microdata delivered the background for assessing labour market performance in Poland in relation to other European countries.
2014-08-03 MAPS Chile – Mitigation Action Plans Scenarios
Mitigation Action Plans and Scenarios (MAPS) was an international project whose aim was to establish scientific evidence to support the transition to robust, carbon efficient and climate resilient economies. The project brought together interdisciplinary teams consisting of experts of ministries, academia, business and other stakeholders from Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Chile and South Africa. The role…
2014-01-01 The impact of changes in legislation on open pension funds on public finances in the short and long term
The aim of the project was to assess the impact of new legislation of 2013, substantially changing rules of Polish pension system, especially referring to open pension funds, on situation of public finances. In particular, the project aimed at finding answers for two key questions: whether fast track of the pension reform was necessary because…
2013-05-01 Evaluation of financing gap in the access of Polish companies to external financing. Conclusions and recommendations for the programming process of cohesion policy for the period 2014-2020
The aim of the project was to assess the scale and causes of the financial gap in access of enterprises to external financing. On this basis, the recommendations for cohesion policy for the period 2014-2020 in reference to supporting private enterprises were formulated. The project developed a methodology to study the financing gap that could…
2012-12-01 Consultancy services to develop a modeling framework for green growth policy analysis, including a large-scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model for Macedonia
The consulting work led to the construction of a comprehensive, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model, which was an innovative tool in capturing the linkages between growth, adaptation to a changing climate, and climate change mitigation goals. The model constituted the backbone  of the Program’s analytic work. It linked the findings of bottom-up sector analysis…
2012-11-01 The impact of cohesion policy on the development of the main indicators of strategic documents: the National Development Plan 2004-2006 and the National Cohesion Strategy 2007-2013 and other selected macroeconomic indicators at national and regional level
The project evaluated the effects of the cohesion policy in Poland. The analysis focused on identifying and assessing the impact of the implementation of cohesion policy on the development of key macroeconomic indicators at the national and regional levels. The evaluation was carried out using a macroeconomic model. The project was realised for the Polish…
2012-01-01 Flexicurity model solutions
The project aimed at proposing an integrated model of flexicurity for Poland, that would take into account the existing legislation and practices of employers. The project was realised for the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. It was implemented under the Operational Programme Human Capital, using EU funding under the European Social Fund.
2010-06-01 The impact of human capital on economies of Central and Eastern Europe: similarities and differences
The result of the project was a theoretical mechanism explaining poverty traps and multiple equilibria in the economy. In the core of this mechanism, which links social capital and social trust, there is interdependency between income and subjective sense of well-being. Low trust and lack of social capital form a vicious circle, which leads to…
2010-03-01 Ex ante evaluation of the National Strategy of Regional Development
The project aimed at improving the quality of National Regional Development Strategy, by assessing: the accuracy of the socio-economic diagnosis, quality of the proposed principles of strategy implementation, and the expected impact of the strategy on socio-economic development of Poland. The evaluation covered two versions of the National Regional Development Strategy for 2010-2020: the preliminary…
2008-05-01 Warsaw’s strategy for the development of human capital
The study evaluated human capital in Warsaw compared to other cities in Poland and selected global metropolises. In addition, the study evaluated the impact of institutions on the quality of education in Warsaw. The project was commissioned by the Warsaw Municipal Office.
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