
J24      Human Capital; Skills; Occupational Choice; Labor Productivity
( 24 - Publication )
2018-03-19 Tasks and skills in European labour markets. Background paper for the World Bank report “Growing United: Upgrading Europe’s Convergence Machine”
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Since the 1970s, the reallocation of labour from manual to cognitive jobs, and from routine work to non-routine work, has been one of the key developments on labour markets around the world. In this paper we collect the stylised facts on the evolution of the ...
2018-03-19 Age, tasks and skills in European labour markets. Background paper for the world bank report “Growing United: Upgrading Europe’s Convergence Machine”
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There are important intergenerational differences behind aggregate shifts away from manual jobs towards cognitive jobs, and away from routine work towards non-routine work. We study these age and cohort patterns in tasks and skills in European countries. Changes in the task composition were happening much ...
2017-09-29 Childhood circumstances, personality traits and adult-life economic outcomes in developing countries: Evidence from STEP
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This paper studies the associations between childhood circumstances (e.g. parental background, early-life socio-economic status, negative economic shocks during childhood, etc.), personality traits (the Big Five, grit) and adult-life economic outcomes (educational attainment, employment opportunity, wages, life satisfaction, and obesity) in nine developing countries. The data ...
2017-04-27 Measuring skills mismatches revisited – introducing sectoral approach
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Appropriate measuring of skills mismatches is necessary to create an adequate policy response. We analyse the existing evidence, in particular in large scale international surveys: Survey of Skills (PIAAC) and European Skills and Jobs Survey (ESJ). We find out that national, occupational and sectoral differences ...
2017-03-31 Productivity based selection to retirement: Evidence from EU-SILC
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The age-productivity and age-employment profiles in each of the 28 European countries are investigated jointly using the harmonized survey of income and living conditions (EU-SILC). Based on the employment rates and the age of leaving the labour market, we propose four clusters of countries: with ...
2017-03-28 Routine and ageing? The Intergenerational Divide In The Deroutinisation Of Jobs In Europe
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This paper analyses the age dimension of changes in the task composition of jobs in 12 European countries between 1998 and 2015. We use the approach proposed by Autor et al. (2003) and Acemoglu & Autor (2011), and combine O*NET occupation content data with EU-LFS ...
2016-06-20 A routine transition? Causes and consequences of the changing content of jobs in Central and Eastern Europe
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In this paper, we study the shift from manual to cognitive work in 10 economies of Central and Eastern Europe. We highlight the growth in the non-routine cognitive component of jobs, but pay particular attention to the increase in routine cognitive tasks, a trend that ...
2016-02-27 Technology Or Upskilling? Trends In The Task Composition Of Jobs In Central And Eastern Europe
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In this paper we analyse the changes in the task content of jobs in Central and Eastern European countries between 1998 and 2013. We link the O*NET data on occupational characteristics with EU-LFS, following the approach of Autor, Levy and Murnane (2003) as well as ...
2015-11-28 Can endogenous technology choices explain wage inequality dynamics?
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The paper studies the dynamics of college wage premium across OECD countries. It reports that countries which experienced college wage premium growth higher than that of other countries also witnessed a higher growth of the skills supply ten years earlier. Regression results suggest that this ...
2015-06-29 Do entrants take it all? The evolution of task content of jobs in Poland
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In this paper we analyse changes in the task content of jobs in Poland between 1996 and 2014. We follow the Autor, Levy & Murnane (2003) and Acemoglu and Autor (2011) approach using the O*NET 2003 and 2014 data and Polish LFS at 4-digit occupation ...
2015-01-20 Opening up opportunities: education reforms in Poland
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Poland is one of the few European countries that achieved strong improvement of student performance over the last decade. According to the OECD PISA results Poland moved from below to above the OECD average and now is close to top-performing countries. The score improvements are ...
2014-06-06 Health, productivity and ageing
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In this paper we provide a comparative cross-country analysis of individual age-wage profiles for different health statuses. Using semi-parametric regressions run on EU-SILC data we aim at answering the question on the relationship between individual health and productivity and its changes in the life cycle, ...
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