Sharing our knowledge is the most crucial goal of the Institute for Structural Research.

We want to communicate the results and findings of our studies to researchers in Poland and abroad, as well as to opinion-forming media, public policy decision-makers and any other person interested in reliable economic analyses. We are the publisher of the following paper series: IBS Working Paper, IBS Policy Paper, and Policy Brief and Research Report.

The types of publications mentioned above differ in the scope of the research presented and the purpose of publication. They also target other audiences.

Working Paper is a highly specialized and scientific article. It is addressed to scientific bodies and experts in the field. We put emphasis on methodological rigour. Usually, and with success, we submit the publications in this series to peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Policy Paper is a publication addressed to a broader audience, including decision-makers creating a specific section of economic and social policy, representatives of non-profit organizations, industry journalists and scientists. The methodological and scientific legitimacy of Policy Papers remains essential. Nevertheless, we also pay a lot of attention to the context, conclusions and recommendations for creating effective and friendly public policies. Policy Brief and Research Report are the shortest forms.

2018-05-29 The Impact of the Support Offered to Young People under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development. Third Report of Outcome Indicators Measurement
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This publication is the third of a planned series of five reports of outcome indicators measurements under the project “Evaluation of support provided for young people under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development (OP KED)” commissioned by the Polish Ministry of Investment and Economic Development, ...
2018-05-18 Working time flexibility and parental ‘quality time’ spent with children
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The aim of our paper is to analyse the relationship between working time flexibility and parental time devoted to children. Using data from a large panel survey of Polish households carried out in 2013 and 2014 (Determinants of Educational Decisions Household Panel Survey, UDE) we ...
2018-04-26 Pre-release leaks as one-time incentives for switching to unauthorised sources of cultural content
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Pre-release leaks of cultural content incentivise consumers to look for unauthorised sources. I find that such events may induce some television viewers to switch to unauthorised sources to gain access even to content that had not been leaked. To demonstrate that this is the case, ...
2018-04-24 The labour demand effects of residential building retrofits in Poland
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This paper analyses the potential direct impact of intensifying residential energy retrofitting on the Polish labour market. We distinguish eight building classes, for which we quantify the labour intensity of improvements to building insulation and heating systems. We account for work performed by low-, medium- ...
2018-03-20 The “Family 500+” child allowance and female labour supply in Poland
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In 2016 the Polish government introduced a large new child benefit, called “Family 500+”, with the aim to increase fertility from a low level and reduce child poverty. The benefit is universal for the second and every further child and means-tested for the first child. ...
2018-03-19 Tasks and skills in European labour markets. Background paper for the World Bank report “Growing United: Upgrading Europe’s Convergence Machine”
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Since the 1970s, the reallocation of labour from manual to cognitive jobs, and from routine work to non-routine work, has been one of the key developments on labour markets around the world. In this paper we collect the stylised facts on the evolution of the ...
2018-03-19 Age, tasks and skills in European labour markets. Background paper for the world bank report “Growing United: Upgrading Europe’s Convergence Machine”
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There are important intergenerational differences behind aggregate shifts away from manual jobs towards cognitive jobs, and away from routine work towards non-routine work. We study these age and cohort patterns in tasks and skills in European countries. Changes in the task composition were happening much ...
2018-01-27 How to reduce energy poverty in Poland?
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Project funded by the European Climate Foundation. Own study based on data from the Polish Household Budget Survey 2012–2016 by the Central Statistical Office. The Central Statistical Office is not liable for the data and conclusions presented in the publication. The content of this publication ...
2018-01-22 Optimal RES differentiation under technological uncertainty
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Should Renewable Energy Sources (RES) auction systems support development of a wide range of different technologies or instead focus on supporting a select few? We review some of the approaches to RES technologies differentiation in relation to RES auction designs. Subsequently, we use an analytical ...
2018-01-18 Structural analysis of the offshore wind innovation system in Poland
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The paper is a the preliminary evaluation of the offshore wind innovation system in Poland. The analysis is based on the Technology Innovation System concept. The paper includes the two first steps of the procedure: the structural analysis and the technology stage of development analysis. ...
2018-01-11 Energy poverty in Poland, 2012-2016. Description and changes over time
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Project funded by the European Climate Foundation. Own study based on data from the Polish Household Budget Survey 2012–2016 by the Central Statistical Office. The Central Statistical Office is not liable for the data and conclusions presented in the publication. The content of this publication ...
2017-11-24 The economic importance of the cultural sector in Poland in 2008–2015
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The project received funding from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.
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