Archive projects
How my taxes are spent?
The objective of the project was to strengthen civic control over the public finance sector. As part of the project we collected, organized, shared and analysed statistical data on public finance in Poland over 2004-2016.
Development of macroeconomic modelling methods: Incorporating ex-post heterogeneity to Dynamic Stochastic Generel Equlibrium Models
The aim of the project was to develop a novel mathematical method that will facilitate the introduction of heterogeneity of economic agents into otherwise standard macroeconomic general equilibrium models.
POLIMP – mobilizing and transferring knowledge on post – 2012 climate policy implications
POLIMP explored for different policy and decision making levels, knowledge gaps about implications of possible directions of international climate policies.
DYNAmic policy MIXes for absolute decoupling of environmental impact of EU resource use from economic growth
DYNAMIX aim was to identify dynamic and robust policy mixes that can lead to decoupling the environmental impact of EU resource use from economic growth.
Exploiting a business opportunity or escaping unemployment? – The role of labour market career dynamics for entrepreneurial decisions.
This project combined two strands in the literature: the job search theory and the concept of necessity and opportunity driven entrepreneurs in order to examine the role of labour market career dynamics for decisions to become an entrepreneur.
Elaboration of the uniform and reliable methodology to measure gender pay gap. Creating the application estimating pay differences between women and men performing the same job in the same company
The project aimed at building an application which estimates pay differences between women and men performing the same job and working in the same company.
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