current project

( 29 - Publication )
2020-02-06 Income effect and household decisions about labour supply: a quasi-experimental approach
The goal of the project is to provide new empirical results regarding the role of the income effect in making decisions about the labor supply. The introduction of a child benefit in Poland (Family 500+ program) makes it possible to identify the income effect due to the unique design of the program: unconditional allowance for…
2017-11-05 Włącz się (Incorpora) – a reliable program of vocational support
  The Incorpora (Spanish) programme was launched by the “la Caixa” Foundation in 2006. In Poland it has been conducted since March 2012 under the name “Włącz się”. The Institute for Structural Research has acted as the co-ordinator of the programme in Poland since 2016.   The programme aims at helping people who are at risk of…
2017-10-30 Directions of socio-economic development of Poland in the digital era
The aim of the project is to define various challenges Poland is facing with regard to the growing importance of new technologies in social and economic life. The project encompasses a diagnosis of the current situation, its causes, the available paths of development and solution proposals to potential problems. The interdisciplinary approach of the project…
2017-10-10 Energy Poverty
Energy poverty has been studied by experts from the Institute for Structural Research since 2015. We have developed and adapted to Polish conditions measures of energy poverty applied in the European Union. We work on improving the measurement methodology, conduct research on the group affected by energy poverty and present proposals for its reduction. The…
2017-10-01 Jobs and Development: Creating Multi-Disciplinary Solutions
The Institute for Structural Research is a member of the Network for Jobs and Development (NJD) partnership financed from of the World Bank’s Development Grant Facility (DGF).  The NJD was established to pursue a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach to the global jobs agenda during the period 2013-16. IBS is one of five global institutions that…
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