labour market

( 99 - Publication )
2014-06-06 Health, productivity and ageing
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In this paper we provide a comparative cross-country analysis of individual age-wage profiles for different health statuses. Using semi-parametric regressions run on EU-SILC data we aim at answering the question on the relationship between individual health and productivity and its changes in the life cycle, ...
2014-05-20 Dual labour market in Poland – proposals for overcoming the deadlock
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The report discusses the phenomenon of dual labour market, which in Poland involves abuse of the possibility to hire employees under civil law contracts. The report also presents solutions aimed at curbing this phenomenon. We propose introducing a so-called single contract, adapted to the Polish ...
2014-05-16 What if you were German? – DSGE approach to the Great Recession on labour markets
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In this paper we utilize an open economy DSGE model to analyse factors behind the Great Recession and its transmission into labour markets of selected Southern European countries. We introduce a number of shocks which form potential sources of macroeconomic disturbances, in particular: foreign demand, ...
2014-01-08 Women as a potential of the European labour force
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The aim of this paper is to investigate the problems and the best solutions to the challenge of increasing women's participation on the European labour market, to alleviate the consequences of the demographic changes and maintain the European welfare state. We intentionally focus on women's ...
2013-09-23 Gender dimension of the labour markets over the past two decades
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Position of females on the European labour market has improved strongly over the past two decades. Changes in women’s employment were not only positive, but also managed to alleviate the negative developments in male employment rates, becoming thus a major driving force behind the efforts ...
2011-12-01 Sticky wage Nash bargaing model with incomplete information
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We develop a novel method of introducing real wage rigidity into an otherwise standard search and matching model. Wages are constantly renegotiated through Nash wage bargaining, however negotiations are based on imperfect information regarding the productivity level and consequently marginal productivity. The imperfect information mechanism ...
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