Sharing our knowledge is the most crucial goal of the Institute for Structural Research.

We want to communicate the results and findings of our studies to researchers in Poland and abroad, as well as to opinion-forming media, public policy decision-makers and any other person interested in reliable economic analyses. We are the publisher of the following paper series: IBS Working Paper, IBS Policy Paper, and Policy Brief and Research Report.

The types of publications mentioned above differ in the scope of the research presented and the purpose of publication. They also target other audiences.

Working Paper is a highly specialized and scientific article. It is addressed to scientific bodies and experts in the field. We put emphasis on methodological rigour. Usually, and with success, we submit the publications in this series to peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Policy Paper is a publication addressed to a broader audience, including decision-makers creating a specific section of economic and social policy, representatives of non-profit organizations, industry journalists and scientists. The methodological and scientific legitimacy of Policy Papers remains essential. Nevertheless, we also pay a lot of attention to the context, conclusions and recommendations for creating effective and friendly public policies. Policy Brief and Research Report are the shortest forms.

2022-12-08 Job quality gaps between migrant and native gig workers: evidence from Poland
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WP 09/2022
Published in:

New Technology, Work and Employment

The gig economy has grown worldwide, opening labour markets but raising concerns about precariousness. Using a tailored, quantitative survey in Poland, we study taxi and delivery platform drivers' working conditions and job quality. We focus on the gaps between natives and migrants, who constitute about ...
2022-11-28 The global divergence in the de-routinisation of jobs
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We establish new stylised facts about the global evolution and distribution of routine and non-routine work, relaxing the common assumption that occupations are identical globally. We combine survey data and regression models to predict the country-specific routine-task intensity of occupations in 87 countries employing over ...
2022-11-22 Mapping the indirect employment of hard coal mining: a case study of Upper Silesia, Poland
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Published in:

Resources Policy

It is insufficient to calculate the number of jobs in the mining industry to determine the labour market effects of a coal phase-out. This paper estimates the scale of mining-related and mining-dependent jobs in Europe’s largest hard coal mining region: Upper Silesia. In addition, we ...
2022-10-13 #IamLGBT: Social Networks and Coming Out
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WP 06/2022
In recent decades, there has been a marked increase in the number of people disclosing their LGBTQ identity. We propose a model of a game on a network with social learning to investigate the role of peer effects in coming out with decisions. We use ...
2022-09-28 Young women on the labour market in Hungary and Poland
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The gender employment gap between young, prime-age men and women in Poland and Hungary is large in comparison to that in other EU countries. This is mainly due to the low employment rates among women with young children who withdraw from the labour market due ...
2022-09-28 Mismatch in preferences for working from home – evidence from discrete choice experiments with workers and employers
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WP 05/2022
We study preferences for remote work using a large-scale discrete choice study with 10,000 workers and 1,500 employers in Poland. Workers value remote work more than employers. On average, workers are willing to sacrifice 2.9% of earnings for remote work, with hybrid work from home ...
2022-09-12 The Impact of ICT and Robots on Labour Market Outcomes of Demographic Groups in Europe
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WP 04/2022
Published in:

Labour Economics

We study the age- and gender-specific labour market effects of two key modern technologies – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and robots – in 14 European countries between 2010-2018. To identify the causal effects of technology adoption, we utilize the variation of technology adoption between ...
2022-07-22 How PES strategies for reaching young NEETs can be improved?
The purpose of this policy brief is to call attention to the lack of outreach to vulnerable youth by focusing on the experiences of four European countries (Spain, Hungary, Italy, and Poland). We also show why the PES might not make sufficient efforts to incentivise ...
2022-07-06 Informing young unemployed people about support measures – does it work?
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We conducted a survey experiment in Poland to investigate how providing young people from the NEET group with information affected their rate of registration with the public employment services. The individuals assigned to the treatment group received information about the services offered by the PES. ...
2022-05-09 The economic effects of stopping Russian energy import in Poland.
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IBS Research Report 01/2022
We estimate the macroeconomic and distributional effects that a ban on fuel imports from Russia would have in Poland. We simulate the embargo as a hike in oil, gas and coal prices, and evaluate the macroeconomic effects with a dynamic general equilibrium model. We soft-link ...
2022-04-13 Working from home during a pandemic – a discrete choice experiment in Poland
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WP 03/2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed working from home from a rarity to a widely adopted job amenity. We study workers’ willingness to pay for working from home, and how it may be affected by subjective and objective assessments of COVID-19-related risks. We conducted a discrete ...
2022-01-25 Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in Poland
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COVID-19 vaccines have proven highly effective in protecting against serious disease and death. Yet despite their introduction, Poland’s COVID-19 mortality rate remains high. This results from Poland’s lower vaccination rate compared to other EU countries – especially among people aged 70 or more who are ...
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