Sharing our knowledge is the most crucial goal of the Institute for Structural Research.

We want to communicate the results and findings of our studies to researchers in Poland and abroad, as well as to opinion-forming media, public policy decision-makers and any other person interested in reliable economic analyses. We are the publisher of the following paper series: IBS Working Paper, IBS Policy Paper, and Policy Brief and Research Report.

The types of publications mentioned above differ in the scope of the research presented and the purpose of publication. They also target other audiences.

Working Paper is a highly specialized and scientific article. It is addressed to scientific bodies and experts in the field. We put emphasis on methodological rigour. Usually, and with success, we submit the publications in this series to peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Policy Paper is a publication addressed to a broader audience, including decision-makers creating a specific section of economic and social policy, representatives of non-profit organizations, industry journalists and scientists. The methodological and scientific legitimacy of Policy Papers remains essential. Nevertheless, we also pay a lot of attention to the context, conclusions and recommendations for creating effective and friendly public policies. Policy Brief and Research Report are the shortest forms.

2021-03-26 What works for whom? Youth labour market policy in Poland
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Published in:

Gospodarka Narodowa

This paper compares the relative effectiveness of selected active labour market policies available to young unemployed people in Poland in the years 2015-2016. We use rich administrative data and propensity score matching techniques to control for the non-random selection of unemployed individuals into alternative interventions. ...
2021-03-26 Outreach activities of public employment services in Poland
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This publication was created as part of the “Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” project, which seeks to combat unemployment among young people. It measures the effectiveness of instruments to support young people who aren’t working or studying in four countries: Poland, Spain, Italy and Hungary. The project ...
2021-03-15 Policy lessons from the evaluation of youth employment policies in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland
This publication was created as part of the “Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” project, which seeks to combat unemployment among young people. It measures the effectiveness of instruments to support young people who aren’t working or studying in four countries: Poland, Spain, Italy and Hungary. The project ...
2021-03-15 Counterfactual evaluation of youth employment policies. Methodological guide
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This publication was created as part of the “Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” project, which seeks to combat unemployment among young people. It measures the effectiveness of instruments to support young people who aren’t working or studying in four countries: Poland, Spain, Italy and Hungary. The project ...
2020-07-22 The influence of the 2050 carbon neutrality scenarios on the labour market in Upper Silesia
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The assumptions made in the analyzes depend on decarbonisation scenarios. IBS experts are currently relying on unofficial decarbonisation, taking into account their limitations. As new data and official scenarios become available, IBS will update its mining employment forecasts. The analysis was based on data obtained ...
2018-01-11 Energy poverty in Poland, 2012-2016. Description and changes over time
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Project funded by the European Climate Foundation. Own study based on data from the Polish Household Budget Survey 2012–2016 by the Central Statistical Office. The Central Statistical Office is not liable for the data and conclusions presented in the publication. The content of this publication ...
2017-06-26 The Impact of the Support Offered to Young People under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development. Second Report of Outcome Indicators Measurement
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This publication is the second of a planned series of five reports of outcome indicators measurements under the project “Evaluation of support provided for young people under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development (OP KED)” commissioned by the Polish Ministry of Economic Development, financed from ...
2017-03-09 Population ageing, labour market and public finance in Poland
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This publication is a collection of articles arranged by the Institute for Structural Research (IBS) for the "Population ageing, labour market and public finance in Poland" conference in Warsaw, 9th of March 2017. The conference was organised by the European Commission Representation in Poland in ...
2011-12-01 Sticky wage Nash bargaing model with incomplete information
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We develop a novel method of introducing real wage rigidity into an otherwise standard search and matching model. Wages are constantly renegotiated through Nash wage bargaining, however negotiations are based on imperfect information regarding the productivity level and consequently marginal productivity. The imperfect information mechanism ...
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