In this policy paper we discussed a broad range of topics covering student access to computers at home and school, different uses of computers for learning and the impact of ICT use on different groups of students. Introducing computers into schools generates both new opportunities and challenges. Basic computer skills are often acquired by students without any school involvement. The positive impact of usage of computers at school on student performance is questionable. The governments should no longer focus on providing ICT equipment as virtually all schools have computer labs and access to the Internet. More investment in this field would be counterproductive. The role of schools should be rather to teach students how to use computers and Internet in more sophisticated ways that facilitate learning and individual development. Teaching how computers work, e.g. with coding classes, should be introduced to school curricula. The other key issues are to teach students how to assess reliability of Internet resources, prepare materials that motivate students and invest in teacher training.
This paper was financially supported by the Jobs and Development Network under the auspices of the World Bank