The purpose of the seminar is to present the potential low-carbon transition pathways and their consequences for the labour market, innovativeness of the economy and the energy security of the country. The issue of a transition to low-carbon economy raises doubts among politicians as well as representatives of industry and economists. On the one hand it allows for the reduction of emissions and participation in the development of fast growing technologies. On the other hand, it could reduce the demand for jobs in mining sector, increase energy system costs and limit the energy security.
During the seminar, researchers from Poland, Switzerland and Greece will present the results of their research on the low-carbon transition. The list of speakers includes:
One of the elements of the meeting will be the workshop based on the method developed on the National Technical University of Athens. The aim of the workshop will be to collect the opinions of stakeholders on the most important risks associated with the low-carbon transition as well as the risks associated with preserving the status-quo.
We hope that the discussion between different stakeholders groups: public administration, trade unions, industry representatives, NGOs and academics will allow to better assess risks and design public policies.
We encourage you to read the detailed programme on the seminar webpage (link).
The seminar will be held on October 12 (hour: 12:30-17:00) in the Conference Center “Ogrodowa 58” in Warsaw (Ogrodowa 58 Str.; 10 minutes walk from the “Rondo Daszyńskiego” metro station). Please confirm your participation by the website: by October 6.
The seminar is financially supported by the TRANSrisk project funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 (under grant agreement no 642260) and by the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland from resources for science dissemination (No. 892/P-DUN/2017).