There but not back again? Switching between the authorised and unauthorised sources of cultural goods

realization time: 02.2017-02.2020

The aim of the project is to analyse the process of switching between authorised and unauthorised sources of cultural goods. We will analyse whether a one-time incentive to acquire content from an authorised or unauthorised source may permanently change the consumer’s preferences due to e.g. a one-time-only cost of the switch. We will also learn how far-reaching are the effects of unauthorised uploads of particular goods, when their legal alternative is not (yet) available, as well as what happens in the opposite case (when the unauthorised uploads are effectively delayed).

Our analysis will cover three areas:

  • TV series. Will a one-time incentive to acquire content from an unauthorised source (i.e. a pre-release leak of some episodes) influence also the future decisions of the viewers?
  • Video games. Will elongation of the period when only the paid legal option is available convince more players to make use of the authorised sources?
  • Comic books. Will the inclusion of a higher quality legal alternative (official digitalisation of older issues) make those readers who rather used unauthorised sources before, return to the authorised?

As an additional result of the research, we will estimate the effect of unauthorised file-sharing on the legal consumption of TV series, video games and comic books.


This project has received funding from the National Science Centre.

principal investigator:
Wojciech Hardy
Michał Krawczyk

Project’s results in international presentations
The research on the effects of piracy on video game sales, as well as on the effects of delaying the game cracks had been widely described and presented, e.g., at CIPPM workshop in Bournemouth.
Conference WIEM 2018
IBS presentations at the Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2018 (June 3-5).
Game of Thrones leak and TV viewership
On 28th and 29th of September, Wojciech Hardy took part in two conferences in Warsaw, where he talked about his studies of the unauthorised file-sharing.
Materials from WIEM 2017
Our presentations from Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM) 2017 are now available.
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