The Institute for Structural Research (IBS) is an independent and politically neutral research foundation. Our research studies focus on economic analysis and evaluating the consequences
of public policies in the following areas:

  • labour markets,
  • demography,
  • education,
  • family policy,
  • public finance, as well as
  • energy and climate.

We rely on modern modelling, statistical, econometric and IT tools. We take great care to ensure
our research is objective and based on sound methodology. We seek answers to questions
about current social problems on the path to understanding the rapidly changing reality challenged by technology and sociocultural processes.

The Scientific Foundation Institute for Structural Research was established in 2006 by a group of young economists associated with the Warsaw School of Economics community.
It was created out of passion and a deep conviction about the need to build a tradition
of economic research in Poland, to base dialogue and to shape public policies on reliable diagnosis and evaluation. The Institute currently employs scientists with an academic background and experience in the NGO sector, public institutions and consultancy.

Since the beginning of our activity, we have implemented nearly 200 scientific and applied projects. We have in our account scientific projects financed by grant funds from the European Commission, EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment, National Science Centre, and Development grant Facility.
We also have projects for the World Bank, the OECD, Ministries, the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, the National Bank of Poland, social partners, and other associations and foundations. We cooperate with leading European scientific institutions, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, and the world, including Chile, Hong Kong, India and South Africa.
We are active in the Polish and international scientific community and among people shaping social policies, and we are constantly expanding the circle of our contacts and cooperation.

The results of the Institute’s research are generally available, and our publishing series
IBS Working Paper, IBS Policy Paper and Policy Brief and Reports play a unique role
in their dissemination. We publish our papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
All articles, as well as information about our projects, conferences and activities
of the foundation, are available at

Research projects

Scientific and applied studies constitute the core activity of the Institute for Structural Research. We conduct all our research projects with a solid commitment to objectivity and methodology. We rely on the best available data and modern analytical tools.
We focus on the labour market, demography, family and social policy, public finances,
the healthcare system, energy and climate, and macroeconomics.
We are particularly interested in the relationship between individual areas of public life and research studies that significantly impact public policy. We carry out our projects in international consortia in cooperation with friendly organisations and institutions from abroad and collaboration with Polish institutes and NGOs. You can find the information on our ongoing and completed scientific projects in the Research projects tab.


Sharing our knowledge is the crucial goal of the Institute for Structural Research.
We want to communicate the results and findings of our studies to researchers in Poland and abroad, as well as to the opinion-forming media, public policy decision-makers and any other person interested in reliable economic analyses.
We issue our publications in Polish and English.
You can find the articles and reports in the Publications tab.

For the Polish audience, we also write articles published in our blog and in the media.

Databases and applications

Analysts from our Institute collect, analyse and process large amounts of data
during their research. We share the results of their work, such as applications, scripts and databases, in the Databases and applications tab.

These materials are available free of charge. When using them, please cite the source.