
I12      Health Behavior
( 4 - Publication )
2020-09-28 The gender gap in aversion to COVID-19 exposure: evidence from professional tennis
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We study the gender differences in aversion to COVID-19 exposure. We use a natural experiment of the 2020 US Open which was organised in the country with the highest number of COVID-19 cases and deaths and was the first major professional tennis tournament after the ...
2016-04-28 Age or time-to-death – what drives health care expenditures? Panel data evidence from the OECD countries
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The most important engines for the growth of aggregate health care expenditures (HCE) in last 50 years in OECD have been growth of income, technological progress in medicine and their interaction with institutional setting. The accelerating ageing is expected to additionally fuel the growth of ...
2015-08-29 Red Herring in the Vistula River: Time-to-Death and Health Care Expenditure
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The aim of the article is to quantify the role of time-to-death in shaping health care costs. By combining a detailed break-down of population-wide data on publicly financed health care expenditure with the population and mortality data we are able to estimate a flexible model ...
2015-01-29 What Drives the Increase in Health Care Costs with Age?
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The aim of the article is to show the role of the drivers of health care costs increases with age. An innovative decomposition strategy has been proposed and applied to the population-wide data on health care expenditure in Poland. We have found that the health ...
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