Psychopolitical Interpretations of Attitudes to Climate Change. Summer School in Ljubljana

August 30 2023
A meeting of young researchers in Ljubljana (21-25.08.2023) dealt with issues of political ecology. Aleksandra Prusak presented her article at it.

The focus of the session at the international summer school in Ljubljana – Mednarodna poletna šola politične ekologie – was on issues of political ecology. Aleksandra Prusak’s study deals with attitudes towards climate change interpreted using theories from political psychology.

The Summer School brought together participants from different regions of the world and prominent researchers in the socio-political dimensions of climate change and inequalities. The summer school was held at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana, which co-organized it with Slovenian NGOs working in sustainable development.

Sesionss in Ljubljana

It created a space for discussion among a highly diverse group on the social issues of a just transition.

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