Current projects
TIPPING+ – Enabling positive tipping points towards clean energy transitions in coal and carbon-intensive regions
The aim of the project is to characterise and explain the decisive events, processes, major systems’ transformations and their effects on the transition of European CCIR toward clean energy; but also, to prevent the rise of undesirable outcomes like the rise of populism and anti-democratic attitudes.
Income effect and household decisions about labour supply: a quasi-experimental approach
The goal of the project is to provide new empirical results regarding the role of the income effect in making decisions about the labor supply. The introduction of a child benefit in Poland (Family 500+ program) makes it possible to identify the income effect due to the unique design of the program.
Włącz się (Incorpora) – a reliable program of vocational support
The aim of the programme is to provide vocational support to people who are in a difficult situation, are exposed to marginalisation or social exclusion.
Directions of socio-economic development of Poland in the digital era
The aim of the project is to define various challenges Poland is facing with regard to the growing importance of new technologies in social and economic life.
Energy Poverty
The aim of the project is to show the factors affecting the phenomenon of energy poverty in Poland and the identification of effective social policy instruments to counter this problem.
Jobs and Development: Creating Multi-Disciplinary Solutions
The Institute for Structural Research is a member of the Network for Jobs and Development (NJD) initiative of the World Bank to pursue a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach to the global jobs agenda during the period 2013-16.
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