2017 Spring Meeting of the CoP-CIE in Riga

June 19 2017
A seminar devoted to the use of counterfactual impact evaluation (CIE)* of public policies was held in Riga, June 8-9. Jan Baran presented the results of evaluation of support for young unemployed people.

The two-day seminar aimed at popularizing the use of CIE methods and sharing experiences in this regard. It was attended by experts and practitioners of CIE methods from the EU member states. Jan Baran, economist from our Institute, presented the results of evaluation of support for young unemployed people financed from the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI). The evaluation was realised by our Institute (IBS) and commissioned by the Polish Ministry of Economic Development. We encourage to read the report with all results.

The event was organised by the European Commission Centre for Research on Impact Evaluation (CRIE) in collaboration with the European Commission’s DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

*Counterfactual impact evaluation (CIE) methods are used to measure effectiveness of intervention (e.g. participation in training) in comparison to a hypothetical situation that the person did not participate in the intervention (counterfactual situation). A control group, i.e. people outside the intervention, must have the same characteristics as those affected by the intervention. Thanks to the use of counterfactual methods it is possible to identify the “true” effect of intervention, without the impact of individuals’ characteristics.

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