Poland risks getting old before getting rich. The share of working age population is going down, while that of older population is increasing rapidly. There are more and more older workers among the working age population. This volume shows that these trends are likely to have a negative impact on employment, and consequently on national income and social welfare. It argues that pro-active and radical policy measures need to be taken to mitigate the adverse effects of population ageing. Priority should be given to encouraging higher fertility, including through the development of child care services, promoting investment in skills and lifelong learning, developing a smart immigration policy that addresses the needs of the labour market, and gearing the health care system towards the needs of older people, including through the development of a long-term care system. Yet most importantly, this policy should aim to prolong working lives, in line with the growing life expectancy. People need to work longer, otherwise their retirement income will be low, as will be the income of the population at large.

keywords: ageing, labour market, public finance, retirement
publication year: 2017
language: polishenglish
Publications category:  , ,
Additional information:

This publication is a collection of articles arranged by the Institute for Structural Research (IBS) for the “Population ageing, labour market and public finance in Poland” conference in Warsaw, 9th of March 2017. The conference was organised by the European Commission Representation in Poland in cooperation with the Institute for Structural Research (IBS). All the articles are published upon agreement of their respective authors. The material contained in the publication does not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of the European Commission. *We would like to thank Institute for Structural Research team for their impact in the publication process.


Institute for Structural Research (IBS)

Warsaw School of Economics

Centre of Migration Research – University of Warsaw

Centre of Migration Research – University of Warsaw, Committee of Migration Studies – Polish Academy of Sciences, Lazarski University

Warsaw School of Economics, Institute of Labour and Social Studies, Social Gerontology Unit

Warsaw School of Economics, Committee on Demographic Studies – Polish Academy of Sciences, GGP Council of Partners

Warsaw School of Economics, Educational Research Institute

University of Warsaw, National Bank of Poland

Institute for Structural Research (IBS), Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)

Institute for Structural Research (IBS)

Institute for Structural Research (IBS), IZA, RWI

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