Włącz się (Incorpora) – a reliable program of vocational support

realization time: since 2016


The Incorpora (Spanish) programme was launched by the “la Caixa” Foundation in 2006. In Poland it has been conducted since March 2012 under the name “Włącz się”. The Institute for Structural Research has acted as the co-ordinator of the programme in Poland since 2016.


The programme aims at helping people who are at risk of marginalisation or social exclusion by assisting them in finding employment. It is based on a cooperation between socially engaged companies (employers) and NGOs which work with particular groups at risk, in particular disabled people, victims of domestic violence, ex-prisoners, homeless people and young people experiencing socio-economic problems.


The programme follows a proven mechanism of vocational support and labour market activiation. A company that wants to employ a disadvantaged person is supported by a career counselor. In addition to many economic benefits, such as acquiring employees who are long-term workers, motivated and open to new challenges, employers’ participation in the programme also raises the profile of participating firms as socially responsible companies.


More than 1000 people participate in the programme in Poland each year since 2012. 40% of the beneficiaries gain employment after the programme.



The awards gala for socially responsible employers
On July 9th for the second time a gala awards to socially responsible employers employing beneficiaries of the "Włącz się" Programme took place.
persons from IBS
Anna Sobierańska
programme director
see more
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