working paper

Fundacja Naukowa Instytut Badań Strukturalnych ul. Irysowa 18c, 02-660 Warszawa, Polska KRS 0000249402 REGON 140420239 NIP 701-00-06-634
( 100 - Publication )
2024-01-24 Minimum Hours Constraints: The Role of Organizational Culture
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We develop a model in which minimum hours constraints (MHC) arise due to both the characteristics of the production function and managerial attitudes. The importance of the organizational culture can be deduced from the correlation between the MHC faced by core task personnel and administrative ...
2023-12-18 Automation In Shared Service Centres: Implications For Skills And Autonomy In A Global Organisation
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The offshoring-fuelled growth of the Central and Eastern European business services sector gave rise to shared service centres (SSCs), quasi-autonomous entities providing routine-intensive tasks for the central organisation. The advent of technologies like Intelligent Process Automation, Robotic Process Automation, and Artificial Intelligence jeopardises SSCs’ employment ...
2023-11-23 Part-time Employment Opportunities and Labour Supply of Older Workers
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I investigate the links between part-time employment opportunities and older workers' labour supply adjustments, focusing on the extensive and intensive margins. Utilising data from 30 European countries from 2011 to 2021, I construct a quasi-panel that compares individuals aged 60-64 with those aged 55-59 from ...
2023-10-09 Automation and income inequality in Europe
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We study the effects of robot penetration on household income inequality in 14 European countries between 2006–2018, a period marked by the rapid adoption of industrial robots. We establish that, similarly to the United States, automation reduced relative hourly wages and employment of directly affected ...
2023-06-28 The role of Global Value Chains for worker tasks and wage inequality
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This paper studies the relationship between global value chain (GVC) participation, worker-level routine task intensity, and wage inequality within countries. Using unique survey data from 38 countries, we find that higher GVC participation is associated with more routine-intensive work, especially among workers in offshorable occupations. ...
2023-06-15 The employment effects of a wage subsidy for the young during an economic recovery
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This study investigates the employment effects of a large-scale wage subsidy programme for the young unemployed that was introduced in 2016, during a period of recovery in the Polish economy. The focus is on the question of whether the effects differed between men and women. ...
2023-04-27 How to Prevent Yellow Vests? Evaluating Preferences for a Carbon Tax with a Discrete Choice Experiment.
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An ambitious climate policy can trigger tensions in societies with low trust and deep social divisions. We examine public preferences for policies to achieve energy security and climate change mitigation goals in the context of the energy crisis caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. We ...
2023-04-06 What if she earns more? Gender norms, income inequality, and the division of housework.
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Using data from the “Generation and Gender Survey” for Poland, we study the relationship between women’s relative income within the household, as measured by the female share of total household income, and women’s involvement in housework. We find that households in which the woman contributes ...
2023-01-27 The Employment Effects of the Disability Education Gap in Europe
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We investigate the role of education in creating employment opportunities for persons with disabilities across the European Union. We use the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) for 2011-2019. We find that educational attainment is a major factor determining the probability of ...
2022-12-08 Job quality gaps between migrant and native gig workers: evidence from Poland
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The gig economy has grown worldwide, opening labour markets but raising concerns about precariousness. Using a tailored, quantitative survey in Poland, we study taxi and delivery platform drivers' working conditions and job quality. We focus on the gaps between natives and migrants, who constitute about ...
2022-11-22 Mapping the indirect employment of hard coal mining: a case study of Upper Silesia, Poland
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It is insufficient to calculate the number of jobs in the mining industry to determine the labour market effects of a coal phase-out. This paper estimates the scale of mining-related and mining-dependent jobs in Europe’s largest hard coal mining region: Upper Silesia. In addition, we ...
2022-10-13 #IamLGBT: Social Networks and Coming Out
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In recent decades, there has been a marked increase in the number of people disclosing their LGBTQ identity. We propose a model of a game on a network with social learning to investigate the role of peer effects in coming out with decisions. We use ...
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