
Q53      Air Pollution; Water Pollution; Noise; Hazardous Waste; Solid Waste; Recycling
( 2 - Publication )
2021-01-12 How to improve the quality of life of the energy poor?
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In Poland, about 10% (1.3 million) of the population are energy-poor households that cannot heat and light their dwellings properly or use electrical appliances. The most common causes of energy poverty are low energy efficiency of the building and heat source, high energy costs and ...
2020-12-10 Energy poverty, housing conditions, and self-assessed health: evidence from Poland
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Inefficient heating and insufficient access to energy services can turn a shelter into a health hazard. We study how energy poverty associated with having substandard housing and ineffective heating is related to the risk of developing poor health in an urban context. We conducted a ...
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