
J41      Labor Contracts
( 4 - Publication )
2019-02-18 The Added Worker Effect, Employment Contracts, and the Reasons for the Wife’s Inactivity
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The recent literature provide compelling evidence of the existence of a significant added worker effect (AWE) - wives increase their labour supply in response to the job displacement of their husbands. However, little is known about the heterogeneity of the effect. I study the variation ...
2017-06-16 Temporary employment boom in Poland – a job quality vs. quantity trade-off?
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Between 2002 and 2015, temporary employment in Poland more than doubled. Poland became the country with the highest share of temporary jobs in the EU. In this paper we study this process from the job quality vs. job quantity perspective. We analyse gaps between temporary ...
2017-01-20 Labour market segmentation and the financial situation of the pension system in Poland
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Since 2014 Poland is the country with the highest share of temporary workers in the EU. Civil law contracts, a type of temporary contracts, allow payment of lower retirement pension contributions than implied by employment contracts. We use a cohort pension model to quantify the ...
2015-01-30 Uncertainty in the labour market: How does fixed-term employment affect fertility and mental health of the young generation?
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Wolfgang Auer (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Ifo Institute, Munich) and Natalia Danzer (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Ifo Institute, Munich, and IZA Bonn) study the short- to medium-run effects of starting a career on a fixed-term contract on fertility and health outcomes. We ...
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