
I38      Welfare, Well-Being, and Poverty: Government Programs; Provision and Effects of Welfare Programs
( 3 - Publication )
2022-01-17 When populists deliver on their promises: the electoral effects of a large cash transfer program in Poland
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We estimate the effects of the introduction of a large cash transfer program on support for the ruling populist party in Poland. We exploit the variation at the municipal level in the annual cash transfer amount received per capita, and use a difference-in-differences research design ...
2021-08-24 Labor supply effects of a universal cash transfer
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Unconditional cash transfers in the form of a universal basic income, a universal basic pension or a universal child benefit are increasingly being discussed in many countries. In this article, I investigate the labor supply effects of the introduction of a large unconditional cash benefit. ...
2018-03-20 The “Family 500+” child allowance and female labour supply in Poland
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In 2016 the Polish government introduced a large new child benefit, called “Family 500+”, with the aim to increase fertility from a low level and reduce child poverty. The benefit is universal for the second and every further child and means-tested for the first child. ...
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