
I10      Health: General
( 3 - Publication )
2020-06-08 The gender dimension of occupational exposure to contagion in Europe
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We study the gender dimension of occupational exposure to contagious diseases spread by the respiratory or close-contact route. We show that in Europe, women are more exposed to contagion, as they are more likely than men to work in occupations that require contact with diseases, ...
2020-05-04 Occupational exposure to contagion and the spread of COVID-19 in Europe
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Social contacts are a key transmission channel of infectious diseases spread by the respiratory or close-contact route, such as COVID-19. There is no evidence, however, on the question of whether the nature and the organisation of work affect the spread of COVID-19 in different countries. ...
2015-01-28 Youth unemployment and mental health: dominance approach. Evidence from Poland
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Martyna Kobus (Institute of Economics of Polish Academy of Sciences) and Marcin Jakubek (Instytut Nauk Ekonomicznych PAN) present evidence on the relationship between mental health and unemployment among Polish youth. The literature establishes links between mental health and unemployment, but the evidence concerning youths is ...
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