labour market

( 96 - Publication )
2015-01-30 Uncertainty in the labour market: How does fixed-term employment affect fertility and mental health of the young generation?
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Wolfgang Auer (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Ifo Institute, Munich) and Natalia Danzer (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Ifo Institute, Munich, and IZA Bonn) study the short- to medium-run effects of starting a career on a fixed-term contract on fertility and health outcomes. We ...
2015-01-28 Youth unemployment and mental health: dominance approach. Evidence from Poland
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Martyna Kobus (Institute of Economics of Polish Academy of Sciences) and Marcin Jakubek (Instytut Nauk Ekonomicznych PAN) present evidence on the relationship between mental health and unemployment among Polish youth. The literature establishes links between mental health and unemployment, but the evidence concerning youths is ...
2015-01-27 Crowding (out) the retirees? RDD application to raising effective retirement age in Poland
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As of 2007 increased labor force participation of the elderly has been observed in Poland. In 2009 a reform in the eligibility criteria narrowed the scope of early retirement opportunities for majority of the occupations. We rely on Polish LFS and employ regression discontinuity design ...
2015-01-21 In-Work Poverty in Poland: Diagnosis and Possible Remedies
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In this paper the authors analyze the evolution and the determinants of in-work poverty in Poland, according to three poverty lines: relative, absolute, and the 1998-adjusted poverty line. The authors find that behind moderately high in-work poverty incidence in Poland there is very high in-work ...
2015-01-15 Skill based labour demand and the wage growth of younger workers: Evidence from an unexpected pension reform
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Large-scale pension reforms can have redistributive wage effects across generations and education groups when the labour market suffers from skill mismatch. A quasi-experimental ‘retirement shock’ in Ukraine illustrates the effect of labour scarcity on wage growth and returns to education: it reveals that young and ...
2015-01-13 Intergenerational educational mobility and completed fertility
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This paper investigates the role of intergenerational social mobility in completed fertility of women born between 1948 and 1972 in Poland. It examines the hypothesis of acculturation, which implies that fertility of the mobiles will be in between that seen in their parents’ (origin) and ...
2014-10-20 Dual labour markets, minimum wage and inequalities
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This brief is a summary of the „2014 Conference on dual labour markets, minimum wage and inequalities” which took place in Warsaw. It briefly discusses the main causes of labour market duality in the developed countries, consequences of duality and some of the policy implications ...
2014-08-04 Does flexible employment pay? European evidence on the wage perspectives of female workers
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The aim of this paper is to explore three issues relating to the financial dimension of female labour market outcomes. Firstly we analyze the gender pay differentials, adding to the existing literature an age - and distribution specific gender pay gaps. Next, we investigate the ...
2014-06-06 Health, productivity and ageing
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In this paper we provide a comparative cross-country analysis of individual age-wage profiles for different health statuses. Using semi-parametric regressions run on EU-SILC data we aim at answering the question on the relationship between individual health and productivity and its changes in the life cycle, ...
2014-05-20 Dual labour market in Poland – proposals for overcoming the deadlock
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The report discusses the phenomenon of dual labour market, which in Poland involves abuse of the possibility to hire employees under civil law contracts. The report also presents solutions aimed at curbing this phenomenon. We propose introducing a so-called single contract, adapted to the Polish ...
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