Workshop meeting of the ENBLOC project in Prague

January 24 2024
On 16-17 January, teams from IBS and the Czech Technical University in Prague met for the second time to cooperate in the ENBLOC project on the energy transition of housing cooperatives in Poland and the Czech Republic.

Jan Frankowski, Joanna Mazurkiewicz and Aleksandra Prusak participated in the ENBLOC meeting on behalf of IBS. Wojciech Bełch, Soňa Stará and Michal Nesládek represented ČVUT. 

During the workshop in the capital of the Czech Republic, the consortium designed the research to be conducted in the project’s second year. The meeting was also an opportunity to summarise the ENBLOC project so far and to have exciting discussions about the diversity of approaches to energy transition in housing cooperatives and attractive solutions being implemented in Poland and the Czech Republic. 

The IBS team also had the opportunity to visit the modern building of the University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings (UCEEB) in Bustěhrad, where researchers from the Czech Technical University in Prague are working on innovations to increase the energy efficiency of buildings and reduce the consumption of raw materials.

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