Iga Magda, Katarzyna Lipowska and Mateusz Smoter participated in the Paths2Include meeting on behalf of IBS. Iga Magda presented which groups are more exposed to unemployment, economic inactivity, lower employment stability or poor working conditions.
Jointly with the partners from Germany, Norway, and Romania, we discussed the next steps of a study we are preparing that will simulate a recruitment process. It will allow us to investigate discriminatory practices in hiring based on the ethnic origin, gender or caring responsibilities of the job candidates. In the upcoming months, we will carry out a pilot study.
We also discussed which variables we should present in the interactive map that will show various aspects of weak labour attachment in Europe; we designed an outline of the interviews with employers and discussed a preliminary agenda of the meeting that will take place next year and will gather representatives from non-governmental organizations, business and administration.
We will carry out the Paths2Include project for the next three years (2023 – 2026).
Stay tuned!
OsloMet Storbyuniversitetet
Université du Luxembourg
Universitatea din București
PIN – Polo Universitario Città di Prato
Universitat de Girona
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Instytut Badań Strukturalnych (IBS)
Confédération des organisations familiales de l’UE (COFACE)