Karol Madoń presented the paper “The Role of Global Value Chains for Workers’ Tasks and Wage Inequality” in the “Labour Economics II” session. His co-authors are Piotr Lewandowski (IBS) and Deborah Winkler (World Bank). The study assesses the relationship between participation in the global value chain, job routine, and its impact on income inequality in countries at different levels of economic development. Participation in the global value chain translates to lower levels of income inequality in most of the surveyed countries, except for the wealthiest countries.
Jakub Sokołowski, in his presentation, discussed the paper titled “How to Avoid Another Yellow Vests Movement? Assessing Public Preference for a Carbon Tax with a Discrete Choice Experiment”. The study analyzes social preferences for energy security and climate change mitigation policies in the context of the energy crisis triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This is crucial for the energy security of Central and Eastern European countries and the Baltic region.