Jobs and Development Conference – online event!

June 25 2020
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, we are rescheduling the 3rd Annual IZA/World Bank/NJD/UNU-WIDER Jobs and Development Conference “Better Jobs for Development” to be held online on September 1-4, 2020.

The safety of our attendees is a top priority. In light of the health safety recommendations, we will deliver our 3rd annual Conference as a digital event, in lieu of an in-person event. We look forward to bringing together economists from around the globe in this new virtual format to expand the frontiers of global knowledge around jobs and advance the discussion on the most effective policies.

Responding to the ongoing pandemic, we are announcing an additional call for papers. We are interested in papers that focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on labour market outcomes, occupational health and development.


Please submit full papers or extended abstracts by July 10, 2020, using our online application form. One submission per person is allowed. Notifications on contributed papers will be sent by July 31, 2020. Attendees whose papers have already been accepted can submit an additional pandemic-related paper; however, one person can present only one paper.

(We strongly encourage the submission of full papers. For accepted extended abstracts, full papers are due August 10, 2020.)
Online application form

Any queries can be emailed to IZA Senior Event Manager Ms Viola Hartmann at


IZA – Institute of Labor Economics
 – Gary Fields and Ahmed Elsayed
The World Bank – Ian Walker, Indhira Santos, and Javier Sánchez-Reaza
The Network on Jobs and Development (NJD)* – Piotr Lewandowski and Albert Park
UNU-WIDER – Kunal Sen and Sam Jones

* A partnership of research institutes from various regions of the world: Development Policy Research Unit at University of Cape Town (DPRU, South Africa), HKUST Institute for Emerging Market Studies (HKUST IEMS, Hong Kong), Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER, India), and Institute for Structural Research (IBS, Poland).

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