
About energy transition in housing during ENHR2023 Conference
From June 28th to 30th, 2023, Jan Frankowski participated in the European Network of Housing Research (ENHR) conference. This is the largest scientific event focused on housing studies in Europe.
IBS research at the conference The Right to (Digital) Platform Work in Belgrade
On June 20th and 21st, Zuzanna Kowalik participated in the Belgrade conference titled "The Right to (Digital) Platform Work." The COST Action Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab organised the event.
IBS research at ESPE 2023 – the Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics
This year the ESPE conference was held in Belgrade in June. Marta Palczyńska from IBS presented the paper "The employment effects of a wage subsidy for the young during an economic recovery", co-authored by Astrid Kunze (NHH) and Iga Magda (IBS).
Marta Palczyńska at SEHO 2023 – the Annual Meeting of the Society of Economics of the Household
SEHO - the Society of Economics of the Household brings together scientists from around the world dealing with the subject of broadly understood economics of the household. The University of Copenhagen organised this year's meeting.
A book edited by Piotr Lewandowski
Tasks, Skills, and Institutions – just published book edited by Piotr Lewandowski available as open-access
Piotr Lewandowski is a co-editor of Tasks, Skills, and Institutions - The Changing Nature of Work and Inequality, a book in WIDER Studies in Development Economics published by Oxford University Press.
ELMI Conference
Call for papers for the ELMI Conference
The meeting is the first international conference of the ELMI network. The Conference will take place in Luxembourg, 30-31.10. 2023. We invite you to submit your papers! Extended deadline 15 August 2023!!!
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