
WeLaR project conference May 23, 2024r in Leuven.
On 23rd of May, the conference of project WeLaR took place in Leuven brining researchers working on topics related to the impact of globalization, technological, climate and demographic changes on the labor market. Karol Madoń and Wojciech Szymczak from IBS presented their findings during the conference.
Call for Papers: 2024 Jobs and Development Conference
In 2024, the conference will be hosted by J-PAL Middle East and North Africa (MENA), based at the American University in Cairo (AUC), with support from the Economic Research Forum (ERF).
Labour demand and technology – WELAR project workshop in Warsaw
The one-day WELAR workshop brought together labour market economists from European universities and research institutes to discuss and reflect on ten papers on the impacts of AI, green transition and migration on labour demand.
Institute for Structural Research at the 2024 European Housing Forum
The 2024 Housing Forum, held on April 16th and 17th, was a collaborative effort between Habitat for Humanity Poland, Europe Housing Forum, and Habitat for Humanity International, focusing on "Decent and Affordable Housing Without Borders".
42nd International Labour Process Conference
From April 2nd to 5th, Zuzanna Kowalik was an active participant in the International Labour Process Conference held in Göttingen, Germany.
Project SkiLMeeT launched!
In collaboration with partners from six countries, we will investigate factors influencing skills mismatches and shortages in the labour markets during the green and digital transition and potential solutions.
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