“Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” launch event

January 9 2019
We kindly invite you to the launch event for our new international project „Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” – Warsaw, January 16.

We will launch our new project during a special session of the IBS and the World Bank Conference „Globalization, work, and distributional tensions in Europe and Central Asia”. We will present the newest research on youth employment in the European labour market – focusing on, among others, traps of being a temp in Italy, the impact of a minimum income scheme in Spain, as well as flexible hours for young mothers.

The special session will take place on January 16th, between 4:30 PM and 6:00 PM at the Zielna Conference Centre in Warsaw (ul. Zielna 37).

Registration (open until January 11) → 2019jobsconference.konfeo.com.

More about the event: https://ibs.org.pl/en/events/globalization-work-and-distributional-tensions-in-europe-and-central-asia/

More about the project: https://ibs.org.pl/en/research/youth-employment-partnership-evaluation-studies-in-spain-hungary-italy-and-poland/

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