Project’s results in international presentations

March 19 2020
The research on the effects of piracy on video game sales, as well as on the effects of delaying the game cracks had been widely described and presented, e.g., at CIPPM workshop in Bournemouth.

The study shows that piracy hurts video game sales – especially those for single players – and the magnitude of the effect does not depend on the moment of the cracking. Moreover, piracy websites blocking does not improve the situation – possibly because gamers tend to be more tech savvy and thus might be able to circumvent the restrictions.

Here you can find an extended version of →the presentation, which includes details on the methods and results.

The studies conducted as part of the project have been presented at:

*Economics of Copyright in the Cultural and Creative Industries workshop, Bournemouth, UK

*Ninth European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics, Copenhagen, Denmark.

*Komunikacja-Media-Kultura w erze nowych mediów (Communication-Media-Culture in Times of new media), Warsaw, Poland.

*35th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, Milan, Italy.
*4th International DELab UW Conference, Warsaw.
*Young Researchers Workshop ACEI 2020, Melbourne, Australia.

* 20th International Conference on Cultural Economics ACEI 2020, Melbourne, Australia.
Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2018, Warsaw, Poland.

Project results have also contributed to and inspired → the doctoral dissertation of the principal investigator. The thesis comprises an in-depth analysis of the changes in the American comic book market in times of digitization. This work also describes a new typology of switching costs characteristic of markets with ‘pirate’ providers.

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