IBS contributes to “Przemiany” festival in the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw

July 30 2015
The interdisciplinary „Przemiany” („Transformations”) festival will be hosted in the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw from 3rd to 6th September under the “Designers of Anthropocene” tag.

The interdisciplinary “Przemiany” (“Transformations”) festival will be hosted in the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw from 3rd to 6th September under the “Designers of Anthropocene” tag. Science, technology and art – exhibitions, panel discussions, cinema, concerts, workshops on science, new technologies and design… Over these four days we will jointly reflect on the future that humanity create through its acts here and now. To quote the organisers: “the progress that allowed us to subjugate Earth, also led to climate change, biodiversity decline, marine pollution and drinking water overuse. Our influence on the planet’s condition is tremendous. Hence, we would propose to introduce the new geological era – Anthropocene, whose name highlights the role of the human activity”. Should we? Let’s talk it over at Przemiany.

IBS contributes an essay on green growth to the Festival brochure and Jan Witajewski, PhD will discuss that topic as one of the panelists of the “Planet” debate (in English) on September 4. A detailed programme of the festival will available at the beginning of August 2015 at http://www.kopernik.org.pl/en/special-projects/przemiany-festival/.

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