What actually works? Experiment in evaluating social projects

October 24 2019
Zielna Conference Centre
ul.Zielna 37, Warszawa
2019-11-14 / 9:30 AM
2019-11-14 / 3:30 PM
Workshop for NGOs and institutions working with youth - Warsaw, November 14th

This year’s Nobel prize in economic sciences went to researchers that apply an experiment-based approach in the evaluation of public policies. Such tools are rarely adopted in Poland. We want to change that. Therefore we would like to invite NGOs and institutions working with youth to the workshop in which we will explain the idea of experimental studies and to show how they help to measure the efficiency of different social projects. Together we will consider how we may implement field experimental methods to your every-day work. We promise to use real-life examples.   The meeting will be held in Polish.

More information and the detailed program in Polish

This workshop is organized as part of the “Youth employment partnerSHIP” project, founded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The Fund supports international project initiatives that promote sustainable and quality youth employment in Europe.

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