The meeting discussed the challenges arising from the need for welfare states to adapt to new challenges. Nizamul Islam from LISER presented on issues related to automation and basic income. Agathe Simon (ESRI Dublin) discussed the possible impact of European unemployment benefits on labour supply. Next, Tim Kalmey (ZEW Mannheim) zoomed in on the welfare effects of fossil fuel subsidies, and Holger Stichnoth (ZEW Mannheim, University of Strasbourg) presented the net contribution to the budget of immigrants in Germany. The closing keynote by Ursula Holtgrewe (ZSI Vienna) dealt with social innovation.
Katarzyna Lipowska presented the preliminary results of analyses on the relationship between health limitations, types of work skills, and labour force participation. The results indicate a significant effect of digital and social skills in keeping people experiencing health limitations active in the labour market. The study is being produced as part of the Paths2Incllude project and co-authored by Marta Palczyńska.