On January 24-25, 2024, in Leiden, the Netherlands, the kick-off meeting of the SkiLMeeT project took place. The meeting was attended by researchers from institutions involved in the project and representatives of the European Commission: Andrea Rotondo, who oversees the project on the EC side, and Simone Rosini from the DG Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion of the EC. We discussed the project’s objectives and action plan and identified areas requiring in-depth analysis.
Piotr Lewandowski presented the objectives of the work package that IBS will lead. We will focus on developing indicators of skills and labour shortages and mismatches using various data sources, including big data.
Furthermore, as part of the project, we will examine the role of digitalisation, globalisation, and supply factors as determinants of skill utilisation in the workplace and technological progress as a determinant of youth educational choices. We will also determine how similar in terms of required skills various professions are, which will help determine to what extent occupational mobility can be a response to skills shortages and mismatches. The SkiLMeeT project will last for three years (2024 – 2026).