Jan Gromadzki

author's publication list
2023-10-09 Automation and income inequality in Europe
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We study the effects of robot penetration on household income inequality in 14 European countries between 2006–2018, a period marked by the rapid adoption of industrial robots. We establish that, similarly to the United States, automation reduced relative hourly wages and employment of directly affected ...
2022-10-13 #IamLGBT: Social Networks and Coming Out
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In recent decades, there has been a marked increase in the number of people disclosing their LGBTQ identity. We propose a model of a game on a network with social learning to investigate the role of peer effects in coming out with decisions. We use ...
2022-01-17 When populists deliver on their promises: the electoral effects of a large cash transfer program in Poland
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We estimate the effects of the introduction of a large cash transfer program on support for the ruling populist party in Poland. We exploit the variation at the municipal level in the annual cash transfer amount received per capita, and use a difference-in-differences research design ...
2021-08-24 Labor supply effects of a universal cash transfer
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Unconditional cash transfers in the form of a universal basic income, a universal basic pension or a universal child benefit are increasingly being discussed in many countries. In this article, I investigate the labor supply effects of the introduction of a large unconditional cash benefit. ...
2019-11-06 Trends in occupational segregation by gender in a post-communist country
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The communist states promoted women’s participation in the labour market and encouraged women to enter male-dominated occupations, which should have resulted in relatively low levels of occupational segregation by gender. I show that after the transition to the market economy, the level of occupational segregation ...
2019-03-05 Firms and wage inequality in Central and Eastern Europe
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Recent studies show that firms are playing an increasingly important role in shaping wage inequality in advanced economies. We contribute to this literature by analysing wage inequality patterns and their firm dimension in Central and Eastern European countries. We use large, linked employer-employee datasets with ...
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